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Open Phone — PinePhone
Begin: 12 (December) 2022
Participants: Roman Savochenko
Description: One of rare open phone devices from the PINE64 project which can be driven by more than 20 different Linux distributives and the distributive can be created own.
Materials: OpenSCADA packages and different data
State of the support:

- connect the device sensors to OpenSCADA
- connect GPS and maps to OpenSCADA
- append audio and video writing in OpenSCADA
- adapt for the scanning-photo functions under OpenSCADA control with reading the barcodes

Begin: 29 (Jul) 2019
Participants: Roman Savochenko
Description: The Netgear R6220 is a simultaneous dual band WIFI router with AC1200 WiFi - 300+867 Mbps (2.4 & 5 GHz) speeds. It contains non-removable external antennas. The router features 4 Gbit LAN and one Gbit WAN port. It comes with a large 128 MB NAND ROM with space for many packages and a single core (dual thread) MIPS CPU powered by 128 MB RAM.
Materials: OpenSCADA packages and different data
OpenSCADA expanding during implementation:

  • building without internationalisation in whole by true LibIntl detection; building without functions clock_nanosleep(), pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock(), newlocale();
  • finishing in support of OpenSCADA building to single binary openscada with including all modules.

State of the support:

- OpenWrt > installing the OpenWrt firmware
- OpenWrt > testing the generic finctions
- OpenWrt > building, starting and testing OpenSCADA
NETGEAR R6220.png

Обладнання з OpenWrt, TELEOFIS RTU968
Початок: 10 (Жовтня) 2017
Замовник: Elprotect, Микола Мітрофанов
Учасники: Роман Савоченко
Опис: OpenWrt це високо-розширюваний GNU/​Linux дистрибутив для вбудованих пристроїв ​(зазвичай це роутери бездротових мереж) та цю сторінку присвячено обладнанню з OpenWrt та встановленню сюди OpenSCADA.


Single-board computers Orange Pi
Begin: 04 (April) 2017
Participants: Roman Savochenko
Description: "Orange Pi" is a single-board computers related to Raspberry Pi ones but much cheaper sometimes.

  • Positive: small size, cost about 7$, nearly of RPi3 performance, minimal power consumption about 0.9W, abundant for IO, Audio Input.
  • Negative: slower compare to RPi for WLAN, GPIO (up to four times).

State of the support:


Tablet computer Asus Nexus 7 II (2013)
Begin: 08 (August) 2014
Participants: Roman Savochenko
Description: "Asus Nexus 7 II" — tablet computer of 2013 year edition with four-cores ARM-processor and sensor screen 7", released in conjunction of Asus and Google. Purchased for tasks of OpenSCADA and adapting it to work into the environment of OS Android and hardware of modern multicore CPU of ARM-architecture.
Managing task: by the link
State of the support, related to the Android sub-project:


Single-board computers Raspberry Pi from the Raspberry Pi foundations
Begin: 08 (August) 2012
Participants: Roman Savochenko
Description: "Raspberry Pi®" is a single-board computer created for charity purposes. Designed to teach basic computer science in schools, positioned as a low-cost solution for novice developers. Developed by "Raspberry Pi Foundation". First board of Raspberry Pi was got to assembling and adaption of OpenSCADA from Maxim Lysenko. The board Raspberry Pi2 was purchased for tasks of OpenSCADA and adapting it to work with generic buses like I2c, SPI, 1Wire with different sensors on its. The board Raspberry Pi3 was purchased and sponsored by Proviron Holding NV for some debug and technical support. The board Raspberry Pi Zero W was purchased as smallest and lowest consumption board for test the specific of ARMv6.

  • Positive: abundant for IO, fast GPIO and WLAN, minimal power consumption for RPiZ.
  • Negative: not very cheap.

Means and tips:

  • [7533.01.11/2025.03] Noted an impossibility to expand ROOT FS of old images (Debian 8) on modern Debians (12), due to the board doesn't boot after that, so we need to use raspi-config for that now!
  • [7532.05.28/2024.07] Some extra means for minimisation the power consumption:
    • /usr/bin/tvservice -o — HDMI power off, up to 80mW;
    • echo none > /sys/class/leds/led0/trigger; echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/led0/brightness — LED power off, up to 10mW.
  • [7531.08/2023.10] ARMHF packages are built now for Debian 12,11,10,9,8 and ARM64 packages for Debian 12,11.
  • [7531.04.17/2023.06] At least the RPi3 boards work not very stable through WLan in the Power Management mode, so we need to disable the mode by the command /usr/sbin/iwconfig wlan0 power off.
  • [7530.03.05/2022.05] ARMHF packages are built now for Debian 11,10,9,8 and ARM64 packages for Debian 11.

Single-board computer AS-9260
Begin: 08 (August) 2012
Participants: Oleg Astrahancev
Description: Board AS-9260 is controller based on chip AT91RM9260, core ARM9(ARMv7), with peripheral devices set. The board targeted for development (maketing) projects based on microcontrollers with core ARM926EJ-S production by corporation Atmel, also that can be used for master controller of the target system.


Industrial hardware of the firm Advantech PCA-6753, PPC-L126
Begin: 07 (Jul) 2012
Customer: "EVRAZ BagleyCoke", Denis Auchenkov
Participants: Roman Savochenko
Description: Firm Advantech produces wide range of hardware for automation, start from panel PC and finish data acquisition modules ADAM for which adaption the using dedicated.

Advantech PCA-6753.png

AWP and PLC based on the industrial PC iROBO-3000a
Begin: 12 03 (Mar) 2012
Customer: Petro Litkovets
Participants: Roman Savochenko
Description: iROBO-3000a is a fanless industrial computer with Intel Atom D425 1.8 GHz with VGA, 2xGb LAN, 4xCOM, 4xUSB, 1GB RAM, 1x2.5" SATA HDD 120GB, Mini-PCIe, 4x4 DIO, CF slot, SIM Card slot, Audio, WDT on board, operating temperature range -5...+55°C. Performance of this computer is enough to run the functions of data acquisition, monitoring and control server, as well as the visualization station's functions. However, because of usage the non-productive Atom processor family, the implementation of mathematical models of processes will require almost all of the CPU resources. For example, during the performance of the AGLKS mathematical model, the CPU is loaded at 86%. The controller has been certified by "UKRSEPRO" that may be important for many users in the territory of Ukraine.


Single board computer Tion-Pro270 of the firm ZAO ZEO
Begin: 11 (November) 2011
Participants: Roman Savochenko
Description: Single-Board Computer "Tion-Pro270" is a highly integrated computational-control system, based on the Marvell PXA270 processor with XScale ARM core from the ZEO company. This card was given to the developers of the OpenSCADA project by Alex Popkov in order to adapt OpenSCADA for it.


Freely programmable panel controller SMH2Gi of the firm Segnetics
Begin: 10 (October) 2011
Customer: "Laboratory of vacuum technologies" (, Vasily Grigoriev
Participants: Roman Savochenko
Description: Freely programmable panel controller "SMH2Gi" is a highly integrated computational control system with the iMx27 processor based on the ARM926EJ-S core of the Segnetics company. Adaptation and building of the OpenSCADA for this controller was needed as part of the Automated control system for the vacuum process unit project.

Segnetics SMH2Gi.png

Building OpenSCADA and an OpenSCADA based firmware for ARM-controllers of the ICP DAS company (LP-5141)
Begin: 08 (August) 2011
Finish: 09 (September) 2011
Customer: Petro Litkovets
Participants: Roman Savochenko
Description: This project is dedicated for building OpenSCADA and a based firmware for ARM controllers of the LP-5xxx and LP-8x{3|4}x series of the ICP DAS company.

LP5xxx img.png

Build OpenSCADA for Linux based mobile devices of the Nokia company (N770, N800, N810, N900, N950, N9)
Begin: 12 (December) 2010
Participants: Roman Savochenko, Maxim Lysenko (2011)
Description: This project is dedicated for building the OpenSCADA project for the mobile devices of the Nokia company N770, N800, N810, N900, N950, N9 on the Linux platforms Maemo and MeeGo.
State of the support:

  • N800, N810 (Maemo 4.1): builds by the Automatic builder; starts an works;
  • N900 (Maemo 5): builds by the Automatic builder; starts with the command-line parameters "--plastique" but fine starts and works with the original style "maemo".
+ repairing, updating to the last environment and fixing the OpenSCADA building
+ restoring: the hardware keyboard configuration — adaption the UA layout to the QWERTY keyboard
+ expanding the module DAQ.System by accessing the Linux Power subsystem, than control the discharging through the chip BQ27000
- creating the DAQ-templates for controlling data of charging (BQ24151,TWL4030), discharging (BQ27000) ICs and finishing the battery calibration
- connecting the device sensors to OpenSCADA
- connecting the IR communication
- connect GPS and maps to OpenSCADA
- append audio and video writing in OpenSCADA
- adapt for the scanning-photo functions under OpenSCADA control with reading the barcodes
  • N950, N9 (MeeGo 1.2): builds by the Automatic builder; starts with the command-line parameters "--showWin=2 --graphicssystem=raster"; stable works.
    • does not open the virtual keyboard for any QLineEdit or QTextEdit widgets.
  • User projects directory: "~/MyDocs/.openscada" (where "~/MyDocs" is root of the built in SD-Card)
Nokia devs.png

OpenSCADA installation on touchscreen FPC-1701 with OS Linux Debian 5.0.3 Lenny
Begin: 11 (November) 2009
Version: 1.0
Participants: Aleksey Popkov
Description: This project is dedicated of creation: an environment of execution of PLC, a firmware of PLC and hardware configuration of specialized PLC.

FPC-1701 img.png

Installation of OpenSCADA and CDMA modem Airplus MCD-650 on a single-board computer VDX-6354 with OS Linux Debian 5.0.3 Lenny
Begin: 9 (September) 2009
Version: 1.0
Participants: Aleksey Popkov
Description: This project is dedicated of creation: an environment of execution of PLC, a firmware of PLC and hardware configuration of specialized PLC.

VDX-6354 img.png

Runtime of the PLC LP-8x81 of the ICP DAS company based on OpenSCADA
Begin: 08 (August) 2009
Version: 1.0
Participants: Roman Savochenko
Description: This project is devoted for creation of runtime based on OpenSCADA of the PLC LP-8x81 of the ICP DAS company.

LP781 img.png

Single-board computer VSX104 of the firm Tri-M adaption for OpenSCADA
Begin: 05 (Maj) 2008
Participants: Roman Savochenko
Description: VSX104 is a single-board computer of the form-factor PC/104 of the firm Tri-M. The computer had attracted attention by the reason of low price and low power consumption (< 2W) and followed low heating. But by using the processor "Vortex86SX-300 МГц" here needs specific points to forming of the OS environment, but here used CPU instructions set of i486 and the mathematical coprocessor lack.

TriM VSX104.png

Single-board computer MOPSlcdLX of the firm Kontron adaption for OpenSCADA
Begin: 03 (Mar) 2006
Participants: Roman Savochenko
Description: MOPSlcdLX is a single-board computer of form-factor PC/104. The computer had attracted attention by some low price, by ordinal conditions of the exploitation and then lower heating.

PLC Kontron MOPSlcdLX.png

Boards and single-board computers of the firm Diamond System adaption for OpenSCADA
Begin: 11 (November) 2004
Participants: Roman Savochenko
Description: This using describes the process of adaption OpenSCADA to work on single-board computers and with DAQ boards of the firm Diamond System. Currently OpenSCADA provides the module DAQ.DiamondBoards with support of mostly DAQ-boards of the firm. About single-board computers OpenSCADA tested and used on: ATH400.

DiamondBoards-ATH400 img.jpg