[hide]1 Policy
1.1 Actual
The main process of developing performs by the author and main developer OpenSCADA Roman Savochenko and he's pointed the process respectively. The developing exclusively goes into the work version by the targeting stabilization and extension during solutions implementing of the developers and the users. Within the current version of Long Term Support (LTS), there are provided regular updates and service updates, for users who have purchased a technical support package.
1.2 Generic
The OpenSCADA project is an open-source software which developed and distributed mostly under GPL v.2 license then the work largely performs on the enthusiasm of professional developers, who do not receive direct compensation for it and pay for their work and efforts, based on self-interest and principles of the open source software. Each developer of the project OpenSCADA has self policy of participation into the project by its: giving time, holding parts of the project, condition of providing free support on the forum, etc.
1.2.1 Roman Savochenko participation
Roman Savochenko is this project's author, leader and main developer then he giving full time for holding all parts of the project: server infrastructure, WWW, knowledge base, file and other resources, the project policy and developing, etc.
Due high employment into the main processes of the project, Roman Savochenko provides too limited free support on the forum and guaranty reply there for:
- professional, qualified and constructive questions about the project developing;
- bug notifications in accordance to the forum specific rules;
- generic and unspecific for user questions which are not show proper into the project's documentation in accordance to the forum generic rules; for well described questions into the documentation or into responses of the previous questions, Roman Savochenko can response five(5) and for newbies, so use the your chance smartly and read the presented resources before!
Roman Savochenko provides all possible commercial services about OpenSCADA with the price:
- Development: 200$[!] per day (10 hours);
- Consulting and Training: 20$[!] per hour;
- Technical Support according to the package.
If these conditions change, the previous conditions remain valid in case of continuation of works and absence of debt (not more than 6 months) and not more than one level of the price increase.
1.3 Participation and help of the project
Although part of the work is carried out on the principle of providing commercial services for both support and targeted development, there are situations of impossibility to implement one or another extension or function due to limited resources both time and material resources of developers.
In this situation, you can help the project:
- If you have the experience of developing software, design skills, knowledge of languages that are currently not supported by OpenSCADA, as well as the desire to improve the project, you can join the team of developers and make a contribution. You can offer your help on the project's forum or by contacting the main project's developer Roman Savochenko.
- Provide financial or material assistance to the project, thanking the developers for their work and contributing to the more active development of the project and its infrastructure. For this activity, see the fund page. You can make money transfers by this link.
- Buy a package of technical support, thereby guaranteeing immediate assistance in solving possible problems both during the development of solutions and during the operation of OpenSCADA. You can familiarize yourself with the technical support package at this link.
- Order consult or training for work in the OpenSCADA environment. You can read and order it at this link.
- Order development:
- Development of extensions and modules for supporting new data sources, archivers, databases, interfaces of interaction, and more.
- Implementation of the new OpenSCADA component functionality, as well as porting and adapting to work on non-typical hardware and software platforms.
- Creating specialized solutions and products based on OpenSCADA. Example:
- Creating of an OpenSCADA build, specialized to the task, with a limited set of modules and a preconfigured configuration, including long-term support.
- Development of solutions for manufacturing equipment to be managed by OpenSCADA: programmable logic controllers (PLCs); boards, panels and control cabinets, automated workstations (AWS).
- Development of full-featured simulators of technological processes, used to represent the technological process, work out of control algorithms and training of operators.
- Development of software products based on OpenSCADA and those distributed in the form of boxed versions with commercial support.
- Creation of complex solutions of tasks of automated control systems (ACS) with OpenSCADA in their basis. For example, implementation of complex automation of technological processes of various industrial enterprises with the use of PLC, servers ACS TP and AWP based on OpenSCADA.
In this context, I would like to mention one important point — the development of software based on the policy of openness and freedom brings to the philosophy of using software new features. Thus, the boundary between the user and the developer is blurred, since the developer-user creates software to solve their own tasks, while the ordinal user, in one way or another, motivates the developer to create the functions that he needs. Conclusion — the lack of this or that opportunity is just the temporary status of free software when there was no user to whom this feature is needed, so this software at the moment optimally solves the problems of its true users. Any criticism about the absence of this or that functional, in this case, breaks down on the need for its users or the reluctance of these same users, often criticizing the lack of a functional, to do anything to solve their own question!
1.4 Participation into the knowledge base (Wiki) forming, connection and conditions
Since the knowledge base (Wiki) is formed on a high quality level, from its participants, accordingly, a high level of knowledge and skills is required. Then, the free registration on the Wiki is disabled due also of the experience of exploiting of the old wiki when we had more spammers, bots, inactive and unqualified users. And more, at the new Wiki free registration during one day we had more then ten registrations from spammers and bots.
Therefore, in order to participate in this Wiki, you must become a developer or participant of the OpenSCADA project in general, for which you must:
- register yourself on the main site of the project OpenSCADA;
- in private message at the main developer and leader of the project to show your contribution to the project, if any, or to confirm your qualification in a different way; express the desired direction of development or participation;
- in the case of approval, your account will be labeled "Developer" or "Contributor" on the project's main site, and a Wiki account will appear with the same password and you will be able to control it on the list.
2 Tasks (To Do)
2.1 General development map (RoadMap)
Contains a general development plan, the main elements of which are official OpenSCADA releases, which are currently LTS. To illustrate the features that will be released, key changes in the program can be described and the estimated date of their implementation, or progress. Road map page
2.2 To do tasks
The plan is not connected to the time but it is structured per subsystems. The plan serves to describe the overall picture of development and to make notes for the considering of developers. Developers may mark tasks which are to be done. To do tasks' page
2.3 Completed tasks
The protocol summarizes the work of all developers and provides a complete picture of the changes for items. Completed tasks