1 Documentation
- Wiki pages those need to the translation creation or updating:
- Wiki pages that need updating or revision:
- New documents:
2 Site of the project
- Using of the OpenSCADA Web-functions for complex and management pages at the main site: fund and tasks control, works and solutions pool for implement by the participants.
- Redraw the project logotype and splash.
- Expand of the funding, donating and payment.
- Update, refresh the project gallery and link it to the Wiki images.
3 OpenSCADA libraries and projects
- - Implement templates for accessing different BLE and WiFi low-level devices like to Smart Bulbs, Plug, Switch, ... .
- - move to the DAQ-templates after their conception expanding for the internal links (+) and the DAQ.BlockCalc expanding for using the DAQ-templates.
- - move the graphical part items to all work through the prescription manager, for the possibility to distribute the parts remotely.
- - expand the document "Year report of the month values" in processing the manual entered counters overrun;
- - expand the document function "Diagram" in support the bar graphs.
- - creation own branding of the automation kind for: the Grub loader screen, the default wallpaper of the Desktop, the boot splash, ...
- - VCA: graphical links implementing:
- - implementing without the linking specific and as the typical Widget for simple line;
- - implementing the linking — graphical drawing at pressing the left mouse and finishing at release, store the standard mode;
- - implementing the nodes and graphical linking to the nodes;
- - extended decoration.
- - implementing the service commands-functions for default — no container sources
- - implementing the service commands-functions for DAQ.LogicLev and for the followed VCA implementations
- - VCA: implementing of linking the VCA Widget Libraries to the DAQ control libraries: loading, saving
- - VCA: implementing of the graphical and logical linking: sockets description and graphical representing, simple links, grouping links
- - VCA: implementing of the procedures specifying and transmitting
- - implementing the service commands-functions for DAQ.BlockCalc and DAQ.JavaLikeCalc
- - implementing the service commands-functions for MTP
- - creating libraries for some languages of IEC 61131-3
- - connect the device sensors to OpenSCADA
- - connect GPS and maps to OpenSCADA
- - append audio and video writing in OpenSCADA
- - adapt for the scanning-photo functions under OpenSCADA control with reading the barcodes
- - OpenWrt > installing the OpenWrt firmware
- - OpenWrt > testing the generic finctions
- - OpenWrt > building, starting and testing OpenSCADA
4 Testing, optimization and fixing
- - BUG: selecting multiple figures at hold the key "Ctrl";
- - BUG: clearing the copy buffer after selected items copy — impossible for the copy repeat;
- - BUG: selecting upper figure's point in the moving operations;
- - checking for alignment of the coordinates;
- - performance optimisation;
- - revision for events processing.
5 Program/System generic
- Append user properties to the Control Node object by a pointer with its activation at use:
- - switch TTransportOut::prm() and TTransportIn::prm() to TCntrNode::prm();
- - append a function of User API for TCntrNode::prm();
- - append for controlled registration of the Control Node connection-blocking at AutoHD() with using such information in notification the blocking.
- - expand by a feature of storing input data of the function
- - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc > append by definition and call user functions from such parameters
- Expand dimension of the internal time from microseconds and up to nanoseconds. Previously append support for PicoScope 2000.
- Work out for developing, using, integration to solutions, concept of the OpenSCADA project support. Expand the community by targeting on the implementation control of:
- tasks: tasks pool, fund and fundraising; developers register, ranks for participate into the tasks.
- solutions: register a task of the solution implementation (by consumer), set demands to the task and performer, set the price limit; each performer propose self price; consumer select a performer. Commission from the order price to the project is 10%.
- Adapt to the software platform Android:
- - update the building environment to Android 10, unify and archive the old environments (the first try in the chroot Android_5_TRY.txz), append the building procedures by targets of automatic building the Android packages;
- - build Qt6 with WebEngine and Multimedia support;
- - append all external windows of the runtime mode of the module Vision for items of their closing and for centring.
- Move completely from GD2 to SVG on Web, that is: the Diagram primitive, the ElFig primitive with complete refactoring.
- Adapt to the software platform QNX:
- + get for some QNX platform representation => due to the deep closing, but yet using OpenSource, this OS is not allowed in free and there was bought a used hardware based on BlackBerry, that is "BB PlayBook", that is not actual already due to the main supporting resources are DEAD;
- - start an adaption subproject and place here the preadaption achievements from Sergey Doroshka;
- - build the pure console program;
- - build the full-featured Qt-GUI program on Photon.
- Adapt to the software platform MS Windows®:
- + adapt for the modules linking with the OpenSCADA core library directly, for DLL restrictions;
- - start an adaption subproject;
- - describe the original start of OpenSCADA as a Linux program on MS Windows, using WSL;
- - initiate the OpenSCADA building for the MS Windows environment.
6 Subsystem DB
- - implementation the local cache for the function fieldSeek() by the deep seeking to the XML-context on the remote part.
- - specific DBMS properties: quotes for names and values (there are generic and standard ones), ... ;
- - OpenSCADA internal DB's layer function fieldStruct() implementation for generic SQL dialects and DBMS specific;
- - OpenSCADA internal DB's layer functions fieldSeek(), fieldGet(), fieldDel() implementation for generic SQL dialects and DBMS specific;
- - OpenSCADA internal DB's layer functions fieldDel() implementation for generic SQL dialects and DBMS specific;
- - generic tests passing for: SQLite(there are some problems in allowed connectors), MySQL, PostgreSQL, FireBird;
- - testing an ODBC connector for DBMS Oracle.
- - expand the authentication mechanism by the storage functions (the DB object), that is virtual functions to TBD:
- auth() — direct checking the user authentication, through "bind" or ldap_whoami();
- passHash() — obtaining the password hash, to comparing, if auth() is missed, and changing the password by the function ldap_passwd() or see to the utility slappasswd.
- - expand the "OSCADA-user" scheme:
- set the password field "PASS" as a synonym of "userPassword";
- make the own scheme dependent from "simpleSecurityObject";
- check of working with the field-type "userPassword".
7 Subsystem "Transports"
- Implement an agent of the SNMP protocol, an examples are in NUT.
- Create a gate module to the transports of other OpenSCADA stations.
- Serial interfaces
- - test the modem mode and append to it for the PIN entering field.
8 Subsystem "Transport Protocols"
9 Subsystem "Data acquisition" (DAQ)
- + test the library libiec60850;
- + write an own MMS implementation, mostly for the mode without sessions on ABB-800, complete replacing libiec60850;
- - add for sessions support, optionally;
- - implement IEC-60850 and test with "libiec60850".
- - append the automatic creation for input transports and their pre-configuration from the EndPoint object properties;
- - observe deeply the Publish service for the packages loss and the Republish request sending;
- - append for support of the history services of the server part, seeing and testing against UAExpert negotiation;
- - append for support of the history services of the client part.
- -
- -
10 Subsystem "Archives-History"
- Move the critical section lock from the object TValBuf to its heir, to allow the global lock into the group operations.
- Create a gate module to archives-history of other OpenSCADA stations.
11 Subsystem "Special"
12 Subsystem "User interfaces"
- (+) Append on the configurators QtCfg, WebCfgD side by the conditional control and using the shielded symbols "\{symb}" in the text fields, what is enabled only at such encoding presence, for the binary symbols encoding as an example.
- QTStarter
- - implement for manager of subprojects of their starting in different processes but with the ones storing and managing into the single configuration file of the project, for high reliable configurations;
- - implement for manager of the background-daemon processes.
- * revise and unify the keyboard focus forcing on a first active element considering them specifity, to ensure the keyboard shortcuts;
- - expand the primitive "Diagram" by the mouse scaling operations;
- - implement own RTE-editor for the view Text of the primitive FormEl;
- - ElFigure: fix some properties loss (line width at the least) at the actions processing, in the way of the primitive code common refactoring;
- - expand the status-bar, with the functions:
- - printing and exporting the Diagram primitive after it moving to "SVG".
- - ElFigure,Diagram: enable or make the anti aliasing, for the library GD;
- - implement the primitives "Diagram", "ElFigure" in the tag "SVG";
- - expand the variant "Animation" of the primitive "Media" in using the raw image files, like to PNG.
- - append the image files edition user API for raster (PNG, JPEG, GIF), by LibGD2, and vector (SVG):
- - implement the main functions of the GD object (into Special.FLibSYS).
- ... for Vision also ...
- - move the runtime requests to VCAEngine in the asynchronous mode;
- !> has a problem with processing recursive events into event(), in the case of the mouse release events loss in processing the pressing mouse event.
- - implement the background execution of the edited pages in the development mode, for the visual diagram forming jointly BlockCalc and DAQ-sources at all.
- ... for Vision and WebVision also ...
- - append for the user-space global menu by the project-specific properties;
- - develop the block diagrams forming (dynamic frames) from the GUI;
- * adapt the widget libraries and the VCA projects to the inter-host copy.
- - implement non locking access to the external stations;
- - implement the syntax highlighting for Text fields.