Name | Founded | Status | Members | Icon |
Automation Linux distributive of the project OpenSCADA | Mar 2012 | Implemented in these repositories of the Automation Linux distributive and these Live Builds are provided now for the branch Work and LTS:
Roman Savochenko | ![]() |
Description | ||||
The Automation Linux distributive of the project OpenSCADA representing and building different ready solutions about the automation from Automated Working Places (AWP), operator panels, servers, Developer Working Places and up to PLC and some other embedded solutions, also as the result Live/Install/Service Disks of the ACS TP projects. Currently based on the Debian Linux.
Of while for the project OpenSCADA was needed to create specialized builds of Linux environments kind of PLC-firmwares, Live/Install/Service Disks for Automated Work Places (AWP), Developer Working Place and rapid familiarization of the OpenSCADA program. In begin it was enough to use standard Linux package repositories, firstly it was ALTLinux and currently it is Debian. But, in a reason of the need of fixing, updating and rebuilding for some packages of the Linux distributive, there was created own repository of this packages together with the OpenSCADA packages.
[hide]1 Debian
Actuality: 2014...NOW, main package base of the project distributive for now
- Debian 12 (Bookworm):
- OpenSCADA repository, APT: deb ./
- Repository of the TDE 14.1 packages from the OpenSCADA project, APT: deb ./
- Debian 11 (Bullseye):
- Debian 10 (Buster):
- Debian 9 (Stretch) [ARCHIVE]:
- Debian 8 (Jessie) [ARCHIVE]: OpenSCADA repository with TDE 14.0, APT: deb ./
- Debian 7 (Wheezy) [ARCHIVE]: OpenSCADA repository with TDE 14.0, APT: deb ./
- Debian 12 (Bookworm):
- Live Disk of the Desktop with OpenSCADA and TDE for the hardware platform x86_64 (Jul 2023), is built by the Live Build configuration "live12-64".
- Live Disk of the Desktop with OpenSCADA and TDE for the hardware platform x86 (Jul 2023), is built by the Live Build configuration "live12-32".
- Debian 11 (Bullseye):
- Live Disk of the Desktop with OpenSCADA and TDE for the hardware platform x86_64 (Aug 2021), is built by the Live Build configuration "live11-64".
- Live Disk of the Desktop with OpenSCADA and TDE for the hardware platform x86 (Aug 2021), is built by the Live Build configuration "live11-32".
- Debian 10 (Buster):
- Live Disk of the Desktop with OpenSCADA and TDE for the hardware platform x86_64 (Jul 2019), is built by the Live Build configuration "live10-64".
- Live Disk of the Desktop with OpenSCADA and TDE for the hardware platform x86 (Jul 2019), is built by the Live Build configuration "live10-32".
- Debian 9 (Stretch):
- Live Disk of the Desktop with OpenSCADA and TDE for the hardware platform x86_64 (Jul 2017), is built by the Live Build configuration "live9-64".
- Live Disk of the Desktop with OpenSCADA and TDE for the hardware platform x86 (Jul 2017), is built by the Live Build configuration "live9-32".
- Debian 8 (Jessie):
- Live Disk of the Desktop with OpenSCADA and TDE for the hardware platform x86 (Jul 2015), is built by the Live Build configuration "live8-32".
- Live Disk of the Desktop with OpenSCADA and TDE for the hardware platform x86_64 (Jul 2015), is built by the Live Build configuration "live8-64".
- Project's "Kramatorsk mills" Live/Install/Service Disk with OpenSCADA and TDE for the hardware platform x86 (Sep 2015), is built by the Live Build configuration "live8-32_KramMill".
- Debian 7 (Wheezy):
- Live Disk of the Desktop with OpenSCADA and TDE for the hardware platform x86 (Jul 2015), is built by the Live Build configuration "live7-32".
- Live Disk of the Desktop with OpenSCADA and TDE for the hardware platform x86_64 (Jul 2015), is built by the Live Build configuration "live7-64".
The Debian Linux distributive in using of the author Roman Savochenko and for the Automation Linux distributive started from version 7 (Wheezy) into year 2014 as replacing of the previous packages base on ALTLinux.
The Automation Linux distributive as the package repositories is represented by Live/Install/Service Disks which are built by the Debian Live project. The procedure of creating the firmware from the Live-configuration is the following:
# Cleaning up of the previous building data
lb clean --purge
# Building of the image
lb build
Package | Maintainer | Description | Debian 12 (Bookworm) | Debian 11 (Bullseye) | Debian 10 (Buster) | Debian 9 (Stretch) | Debian 8 (Jessie) | Debian 7 (Wheezy) |
live-config-tde [all] | Roman Savochenko | Additional Configuration Scripts for Debian Live for Trinity DE configuring into the Live Disk environment. | + | + | + | + | + | + |
task-tde-desktop [all] | Roman Savochenko | This task package is used to install the Debian desktop with the package dependencies and featuring the TDE desktop environment and other packages that Debian users expect to have available on the desktop. | + | + | + | + | + | + |
tqt3-trinity [amd64,i386] | TDE Debian Team | TQt GUI Library (Threaded runtime version), Version 3. Patched by Roman Savochenko for: evLoopX11Glib_noLoadAtPendingFlood.patch, noHangAtWrongCharShape.patch, monotonic_tm.patch. | 14.1.X | 14.1.X | 14.1.X [armhf] | 14.1.1 | 14.0.11 [armhf] | 14.0.10 |
tdelibs-trinity [amd64,i386] | TDE Debian Team | Core libraries from the official TDE release. Patched by Roman Savochenko for: File:Kcalendarsystem World.patch.gz, File:NoFloodFixHW.patch.gz, tdehw-NoFreeze.patch, File:UseDesignVoltInCalcBatteryAhFromWh.patch.gz, tdeprint_translPPDGroups.patch, SlaveConTmRiseTo10.patch, mime_webm.patch, dcop_monotonic_tm.patch. | 14.1.X | 14.1.X, 14.0.13 | 14.1.X [armhf], 14.0.13 [armhf] | 14.1.1, 14.0.13 | 14.0.11 [armhf] | 14.0.10 |
tdebase-trinity [amd64,i386] | TDE Debian Team | Base applications from the official TDE release. Patched by Roman Savochenko for: kdesktop_BackGrndPntr.patch, tdm_ServiceAsSDM.patch, kcalendarsystem_World.patch, slave_media_fstabByUdisks.patch, noFreezeSaverEngine.patch, quicklauncher_ignoreWrongUrls.patch, konqueror_sidebar_NoDoubleSystemItems.patch, systemtray_noDoubleIcon.patch | 14.1.X | 14.1.X, 14.0.13 | 14.1.X [armhf], 14.0.13 [armhf] | 14.1.1, 14.0.13 | 14.0.11 [armhf] | 14.0.10 |
tdegraphics-trinity [amd64,i386] | TDE Debian Team | Graphics applications provided with the official release of Trinity. Patched by Roman Savochenko for: kpdf_NoFontOTF.patch. | - | 14.0.13 | 14.0.13 [armhf] | 14.0.13 | 14.0.11 [armhf] | 14.0.10 |
tdemultimedia-trinity [amd64,i386] | TDE Debian Team | Multimedia applications from the official TDE release. Patched by Roman Savochenko for: xineThumbnail_disableAudio_CorrectHUE.patch, tdemultimedia-trinity no dependency from libarts1-xine-trinity | 14.1.X | 14.1.X, 14.0.13 | 14.1.X [armhf], 14.0.13 [armhf] | 14.1.1, 14.0.13 | 14.0.11 [armhf] | 14.0.10 |
tdenetwork-trinity [amd64,i386] | TDE Debian Team | Network applications from the official TDE release. Patched by Roman Savochenko for: krfb-crash_at_disconnect.patch, krfb-new_symbols_appending.patch, kopete-crash_at_disconnect.patch | 14.1.X | 14.1.X, 14.0.13 | 14.1.X [armhf], 14.0.13 [armhf] | 14.1.1, 14.0.13 | 14.0.11 [armhf] | 14.0.10 |
tdeutils-trinity [amd64,i386] | TDE Debian Team | Collection of general purpose utilities from the official TDE release. Patched by Roman Savochenko for: kgpg_CrashFullStart.patch, kcalc-PasteNumbersNormaliz.patch, kcalc-NoLocalizeDecClipBoard.patch
14.1.X | 14.1.X, 14.0.13 | 14.1.X [armhf], 14.0.13 [armhf] | 14.1.1, 14.0.13 | 14.0.11 [armhf] | 14.0.10 |
tdepim-trinity [amd64,i386] | TDE Debian Team | Personal Information Management apps from the official Trinity release. Patched by Roman Savochenko for: tdepim_holiday_ua.patch, korganizer_MonthViewAnniversTooltip.patch, korganizer_ImproveAtachmentsDialog.patch, korganizer_ImproveCatsDialog.patch, karm_IdleDetect.patch, karm_ResetTaskTimes.patch, tdepim_korganizer_noDblItDlgAtDblClickInMonthView.patch. | 14.1.X | 14.1.X, 14.0.13 | 14.1.X [armhf], 14.0.13 [armhf] | 14.1.1, 14.0.13 | 14.0.11 [armhf] | 14.0.10 |
tdeadmin-trinity [amd64,i386] | TDE Debian Team | Collection of system administration tools provided with the official release of TDE. Patched by Roman Savochenko for: kpackageMmemOptimizAtApt-cache.patch, kpackageAptAddCleanAutoRem.patch. | 14.1.X | 14.1.X | 14.1.X [armhf] | 14.1.1 | 14.0.11 [armhf] | 14.0.10 |
digikam-trinity [amd64,i386] | TDE Debian Team | Digital photo management application for TDE [Trinity]. Patched by Roman Savochenko for: digikam_MainTr.patch, digikam_fileDlgs.patch, showfoto_BuildFixFilters.patch, showfoto_OneImgOpenAsDirFromCmd.patch. | 14.1.X | 14.1.X, 14.0.13 | 14.1.X [armhf], 14.0.13 [armhf] | 14.1.1, 14.0.13 | 14.0.11 [armhf] | 14.0.10 |
kdiff3-trinity [amd64,i386] | TDE Debian Team | KDiff3 compares two or three input files and shows the differences line by line and character by character. Patched by Roman Savochenko for: kdiff3_UTF8ClipBoardPaste.patch, pretyURLinPlugin.patch. | 14.1.X | 14.1.X, 14.0.13 | 14.1.X [armhf], 14.0.13 [armhf] | 14.1.1, 14.0.13 | 14.0.11 [armhf] | 14.0.10 |
krusader-trinity [amd64,i386] | TDE Debian Team | A simple, easy, powerful, twin-panel (commander-style) file manager for TDE and other desktops, similar to Midnight Commander (C) or Total Commander (C). Patched by Roman Savochenko for: txz_tar.xz_detectionAndUnpack.patch (only 14.1.1), smb_noCleanPanelAtRename.patch, noLockDirAtVirtualCD.patch, krusader_fixRefreshPanelAtMove.patch. | 14.1.X | 14.1.X, 14.0.13 | 14.1.X [armhf], 14.0.13 [armhf] | 14.1.1, 14.0.13 | 14.0.11 [armhf] | 14.0.10 |
basket-trinity [amd64,i386] | TDE Debian Team | A multi-purpose note-taking application for KDE [Trinity]. Patched by Roman Savochenko for: basket_FixReplaceRTE.patch, appending for the file basket-trinity.postinst | 14.1.X | 14.1.X | 14.1.X [armhf] | 14.1.1 | 14.0.11 [armhf] | 14.0.10 |
tdesvn-trinity [amd64,i386] | TDE Debian Team | TDESvn is a graphical client for the subversion revision control system (svn). Patched by Roman Savochenko for: tdesvn-CrashAtClose.patch. | 14.1.0 | 14.1.0, 14.0.13 | 14.1.0, 14.0.13 [armhf] | 14.1.1, 14.0.13 | 14.0.11 [armhf] | 14.0.10 |
tdepowersave-trinity [amd64,i386] | TDE Debian Team | A TDE systray applet which allows to control the power management settings and policies of your computer. Patched by Roman Savochenko for: File:FalseInact.patch.gz, File:NoBatProgressReset.patch.gz, File:NoSlotslotHelpContents.patch.gz. | 14.1.X | 14.1.X | 14.1.X [armhf] | 14.1.1 | 14.0.11 [armhf] | 14.0.10 |
kaffeine-trinity [amd64,i386] | TDE Debian Team | A media player for TDE. Patched by Roman Savochenko for: DVD_wrongXineGlobalURL.patch, webm.patch. | 14.1.X | 14.1.X | 14.1.X [armhf] | 14.1.1, 14.0.13 | 14.0.11 [armhf] | 14.0.10 |
amarok-trinity [amd64,i386] | TDE Debian Team | Versatile and easy to use audio player for Trinity. Patched by Roman Savochenko for: noAnalizerFlood.patch. | 14.1.X | 14.1.X | 14.1.X [armhf] | 14.1.1, 14.0.13 | 14.0.11 [armhf] | 14.0.10 |
RHVoice | Debian TTS Team | Speech synthesizer with many voices for ten languages. | - | + | + | + | - | - |
xine-lib | Patrick Matthäi | Xine video player library. Patched by Roman Savochenko for: framegrab_displayQueueMutex_recursive.patch. | + | + | + | - | - | - |
ms-sys [amd64,i386] | Gürkan Sengün | Write a Microsoft compatible boot record. Built to allow writing to FAT from the Live-disks. | + | + | + | + | + | + |
ru-tts [all] | Roman Savochenko | mRussian text-to-speech tool. | - | + | + | + | + | + |
gkrellm-radio [amd64] | Sjoerd Simons | A Gkrellm plugin to control radio tuners on Linux. Patched by Roman Savochenko for V4L2. | + | + | + | + | + [i386] |
- |
bluez [amd64] | Debian Bluetooth Maintainers | Bluetooth tools and daemons. Built and patched by Roman Savochenko for Debian 12. | 5.55 | - | - | - | - | - |
tvtime [amd64] | Debian QA Group | Application for watching TV. Patched by Roman Savochenko for ALSAMixer support. | - | - | - | + | + [i386] |
- |
libnatspec [i386,amd64] | Andrew O. Shadoura | This library provides useful functions for dealing with locales and charsets. Built for natspec.patch of the package "unzip". | - | - | - | - | + | + |
unzip [i386,amd64] | Santiago Vila | Files *.zip unpacker. Patched for file names in Cyrillic correct represent by "alt-natspec.patch". | - | - | - | - | + | + |
fusesmb [amd64] | Samuel Mimram | SMB to file-system reflection by FUSE. Some patches from Roman Savochenko for it working fix. | - | - | - | - | - | + |
mc [i386,amd64,armhf] | Debian MC Packaging Group | GNU Midnight Commander backport. | - | - | - | - | - | 4.8.14 |
Package | Description |
cups, cups-browsed | For the Print System with browsing CUPS printers in the network. |
pulseaudio-module-bluetooth, blueman | For BlueTooth devices control with BlueTooth EarPhones. |
From TDE | |
libarts1-xine-trinity | Contains thumbnails generation for "Video Files" based on Xine — still has problems with some MP4-files. |
mplayerthumbs-trinity | Contains thumbnails generation for "Video Files (MPlayer thumbnailer)". |
tdegraphics-tdefile-plugins-trinity | Contains thumbnails generation for "PostScript, PDF and DVI Files". |
ksvg-trinity | Contains thumbnails generation for "Scalable Vector Graphics" — BROKEN currently. |
2 ALTLinux
Actuality: 2008...2014, used in the automatic builder for some solutions compatibility
- ALTLinux 7:
- OpenSCADA repository, APT:"rpm openscada main"
- OpenSCADA repository, APT:"rpm openscada main"
- ALTLinux T6:
- Original "i586 classic and debuginfo" (mirror), APT:"rpm i586 classic debuginfo"
- Original "noarch" (mirror), APT:"rpm noarch classic"
- OpenSCADA repository, APT:"rpm openscada main"
- ALTLinux 5.1:
- Original "i586" (mirror), APT:"rpm i586 classic"
- Original "noarch" (mirror), APT:"rpm noarch classic"
- OpenSCADA repository, APT:"rpm openscada main"
Distributives (solutions):
- ALTLinux T6:
- Live Disk of the Desktop (Aug 2012), is built by the profile "mkimage-profiles-6-kdesktop"
- Generic PLC firmwares (tarballs) (Mar 2012), is built by the profile "mkimage-profiles-6-plc"
- ICP-DAS PLC firmwares (tarballs) (Mar 2012), is built by the profile "mkimage-profiles-6-plc-LP8x81"
- Live/Install/Service Disk of the "Bagley Coke Boiler #1 Dispatching System" project (Aug 2012), is built by the profile "mkimage-profiles-6-bagley".
- Live/Install/Service Disk of the "Kramatorsk Water" project (Feb 2014), is built by the profile "mkimage-profiles-6-KramWater".
- ALTLinux 5.1:
- Live Disk of the Desktop (May 2010), is built by the profile "mkimage-profiles-5-desktop"
- Generic PLC firmwares (tarballs) (May 2010), is built by the profile "mkimage-profiles-5-plc"
- ICP-DAS PLC firmwares (tarballs) (Feb 2010), is built by the profile "mkimage-profiles-5-plc-LP8x81"
- Live/Install/Service Disk of the project of the "ACS TP of the ball mills "ШБМ 287/410" of the boiler "БКЗ 160–100 ПТ"" (Sep 2010), is built by the profile "mkimage-profiles-5-KramMill".
The ALTLinux distributive was used by the author Roman Savochenko from version 3 and for the Automation Linux distributive it was been adapted from version 5.1. In year 2014 for the Automation Linux distributive and other there was started the process of moving to the Debian package base, mostly by reasons in the appendix.
The Automation Linux distributive as the package repositories is represented by PLC-firmwares and Live/Install/Service Disks which are built by the tool mkimage for creating the distributions of ALTLinux. mkimage is a tool for building Sisyphus-based system on basis of a template and as an initial set of templates there was taken the set of formation of ALTLinux distributions at "git://". The procedure of creating such firmwares from a template is the following:
# Creation the configuration script "configure"
# Configuring the builder to generate the disk images
./configure --with-imagetype=flash
# Building of the image
3 Trinity Desktop Environment
The Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE) project is a computer desktop environment for Unix-like operating systems with a primary goal of retaining the function and form of traditional desktop computers, as declared on the project site.
TDE is based on KDE3 and in year about 2010 it was founded by forking from the last official version KDE3 3.5.10 (2008.08.26) with trying to merge Qt3 with Qt4 by the tqtinterface, and that has been terminated now and the project is busy on re-branding both Qt3 and KDE3 to TDE with their "enhancing", that is creation new bugs and conservation old ones with factual throwing down the support of five (5) year old systems. In the main branding there was released the versions 3.5.11, 3.5.12 and 3.5.13 before Trinity(3) 14.
Roman Savochenko is building TDE packages starting from 2012 year, TDE 3.5.12-sru and for ALTLinux. So here are presented the packages of three branches where 3.5.13-sru only in ALTLinux, 14.1 and 14.0 only on Debian and they are actual ones now. Packages of the 14.0 version are placed historically together with OpenSCADA packages and the 14.1 version are placed in separated packages repository for controllable switching to 14.1 on already deployed systems and for that you must know the repositories difference for Debian 11, 10, 9:
- 14.1:
- TDE: deb bullseye main deps
- TDE packages from OpenSCADA: deb ./
- 14.0:
- Main TDE: deb bullseye main
- Building dependencies: deb bullseye main
All patches from this subproject have been appended to Bugzilla and/or Gitea of the TDE project, but from 01.10.7531/01.01.2024 the appending was terminated and all patches included right here with information in the followed table, that is there was created a partial fork with direction on fixing and stabilisation. That was decided due to many the patches were not accepted to the official repository and just lay there from 0.5 to 10 (TEN) years after turning the TDE team in highly authoritarian bunch with hard control the repository by a pair of just "roots knowledgers". Detailed Roman Savochenko activity in TDE(KDE3) you can see on the page.
The partial fork is based currently on patches, history of which you can trace from the followed table for new ones and from the table of building packages of the Debian section with their representation on the file server as a list of the source packages for different versions both Debians and the packages itself.
Patch | Actuality | Description |
tqt3-trinity | ||
evLoopX11Glib_noLoadAtPendingFlood.patch | 14 | Softening an effect of high-whole CPU loading at flooding Pending events from the GLib interface to the X11 server, what is brightly appeared on digikam-showfoto, or qtwaittimer, what detected on kdesktop-screensaver at wake up, by appending short waiting on 1ms after processing the events. |
noHangAtWrongCharShape.patch | 14 | Preventing hangs on rendering wrong char shapes in TQTextEngine, it was noticed in KCharSelect on page 15. |
monotonic_tm.patch | 14 | Complete switching Qt3 interval timers (QTimer) on the modern "timespec" structure and the Monotonic clock in the base, that is made Qt3 insensitivity to jumps of the real time, especially at waking up. |
tdelibs-trinity | ||
kcalendarsystem_World.patch | 14 | Adding for support the World Calendar System. |
noFloodFixHW.patch | 14 | Prevents the very flooding in "~/.xsession-errors" by the debug messages like to "[FIXME] UNCLASSIFIED DEVICE name: ...". |
useDesignVoltInCalcBatteryAhFromWh.patch | 14 | Using in calculation Ah from Wh of the Designed Voltage instead the Current Voltage for accordance with the capacity information on the battery. |
tdeprint_translPPDGroups.patch | 14 | Fixing of translation of names of groups of the printing properties. |
SlaveConTmRiseTo10.patch | 14 | Setting the slave connection timeout of SLAVE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MIN from 2 to 10 and SLAVE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MAX from 10 to 30 for preventing errors of the FILE-slave missing on generally slow hardware and HDD/SSD with slow sectors. |
mime_webm.patch | 14 | Appending support the WEBM media format. |
dcop_monotonic_tm.patch | 14 | Switching internal interval timers on the modern "timespec" structure and the Monotonic clock in the base, that is made DCOP insensitivity to jumps of the real time, especially at waking up. |
tdebase-trinity | ||
kcalendarsystem_World_base.patch | 14 | Adding for support the World Calendar System. |
kdesktoplock_noSCardAuth.patch | 14.1 | Disabling of using Security Cards for authentication in the kdesktop lock dialog, due to it became unusable. |
kate_revertSess.patch | 14.1 | Reverting broken sessions from 14.0. |
slave_media_fstabByUdisks.patch | 14 | Appending of switching the /etc/fstab using whether by a util of mounting like to udisks or the generic mount program. And that is suitable both for FD and CD/DVD/BLURAY due to udisks[2] doesn't mount them without an entry in /etc/fstab. |
icons_name-CDR-CDRW.patch | 14.0 | Fixing nonconformity in icon names for CD-R and CD-RW in tdeioslave. |
noFreezeSaverEngine.patch | 14 | Preventing of complete freezing KDesktop on waiting the Saver Engine during about one minute after wake up, by not use sigsuspend() for waiting "mSaverProcessReady" where enough to call tqApp->processEvents(). |
quicklauncher_ignoreWrongUrls.patch | 14 | Completing of fixing of appearance in QuickLauncher of empty-zero items after removing some item, what related with inserting already missing desktop-file (after uninstalling the application) from the popularity. |
konqueror_sidebar_NoDoubleSystemItems.patch | 14 | Preventing of items sometime doubling in the tab item "System (system:/)" through doubly call setOpen(true). |
tdenetwork-trinity | ||
krfb-crash_at_disconnect.patch | 14 | Formal replacing the call exit() by wait() only through tracing not closing VNC server threads in call this function from clientInput(), have observed as a hang up there on Raspberry Pi 2 once and no more elsewhere. The original CORRECTLY WORKING patch still lays in Gitea. |
tdeadmin-trinity | ||
kpackageMmemOptimizAtApt-cache.patch | 14 | Optimisation of the memory consumption in way of reading "apt-cache dumpavail" result through an temporary file but not through memory, that is the memory consumption on Debian 12 decreased from ~900MB to ~450MB. Next step of such optimisation may be performed only by storing in memory the packages names and requesting all other information at request and for not installed packages at least, so reach the Synaptic parameters of the memory consumption and restore the usefulness on old computers. |
kpackageAptAddCleanAutoRem.patch | 14 | Adding the menu "APT Specials" by items: "Clean (apt-get clean)", "Autoremove (apt-get autoremove)". |
tdemultimedia-trinity | ||
xineThumbnail_disableAudio_CorrectHUE.patch | 14 | In Video Thumbnails by Xine Audio disabled by xine_new_framegrab_audio_port() and HUE corrected. In addition to preventing dead locks in Xine. |
tdepim-trinity | ||
tdepim_korganizer_noDblItDlgAtDblClickInMonthView.patch | 14 | Preventing of appearing two dialogues of item editing and new item at double clicking on cell with items in the month view. |
tdepowersave-trinity | ||
falseInact.patch | 14 | Preventing of appearing the false inactivity dialog to suspend just after awakening, especially often appeared on notebooks in work from the battery. And preventing of locking-sticking the sign "blacklisted_running" after running one blacklisted program. |
noBatProgressReset.patch | 14 | Prevents of resetting the widget of displaying values the batteries since their become to show empty bar and -1. |
noSlotslotHelpContents.patch | 14 | Commented the SLOT slotHelpContents() due to its missing. |
kaffeine-trinity | ||
DVD_wrongXineGlobalURL.patch | 14 | Fixing of playing DVD with XINE versions which misunderstand URM "dvd://", only "dvd:/". |
webm.patch | 14 | Appending support the WEBM media format. |
amarok-trinity | ||
noAnalizerFlood.patch | 14 | Preventing of flooding with high CPU loading especially on old-slow systems during execution in the system tray and before opening the PlayList window, due to the analysers are wrongly started in the background at changing the animation period. |
kdiff3-trinity | ||
pretyURLinPlugin.patch | 14 | Switching URLs in the plugin's menu to the pretty view instead encoding UTF-8 chars of native locales. |
krusader-trinity | ||
smb_noCleanPanelAtRename.patch | 14 | Preventing of cleaning the panel with item list of a SMB share after item renaming through receiving second or third result() event from IO-Slave, that is the panel refresh is lagged now at 0.5 seconds after renaming. |
noLockDirAtVirtualCD.patch | 14 | Preventing of force locking mounted media-folders after changing local directory to remote-virtual one, in a way of changing the local folder to Home. Also preventing the memory leakage on call the function getcwd(0, 0) without freeing its result. |
krusader_fixRefreshPanelAtMove.patch | 14 | Fixing of refreshing source panel at moving operations. |
basket-trinity | ||
basket_FixReplaceRTE.patch | 14 | Fixing of no replacing selected blocks into note at pasting RTE, just appending before the block. |
xine-lib | ||
framegrab_displayQueueMutex_recursive.patch | >= 1.2.10 | Switching display_queue.mutex in Video out to the recursive mode for preventing hangs in xine_new_framegrab_video_port(). |
Building the TDE packages performed in the proper CHROOT of the OpenSCADA project and for some environments there can be emerged the problem with objcopy, which you can overcome by unset the environment variable LANG — unset LANG.
3.1 The World Calendar System
Counting the World Calendar System begins from 5508 before AD and was used on the SLOVISH-ANTIC territory before the jewi-arias occupation with that "Anno Domini" and Christianity (aria and now jewish). This Calendar System was used here in parallel up to XVIII century, so its was appended to TDE by the patches kcalendarsystem_World.patch in tdelibs-trinity and tdebase-trinity, initially in a simple form.
The Calendar System is Solar, years calculated from 5508 before AD, that is to the current year appended 5508, and from the current month number subtracted 2, due to the year is begin from Spring and not Winter. Reasons of the year beginning in Spring are:
- original numbered months from Antics are started from modern March due to September is 7, October is 8, November is 9 and December is 10; that is the "jewi-arias' majesty" started naming the months from the Sun rise;
- the last month of the year is February not December due to it has 28 or 29 days, that is placing one extra day per four years to compensate inequality of days in year;
- AGE (or World) at Sun in Constellation is counted from Spring (spring equinox), that is now is the Pisces Constellation with moving to the Aquarius Constellation;
- the years before AD by SLOVISH-ANTIC were counting in Summers (where Spring was just a part of Summer) due to the Life in Summer — litochiselnja (літочислення);
- year by SLOVISH-ANTIC is called as RIK (РІК), that is also as river (РІКа), which is become new in Spring after ice;
- carols of SLOVISH-ANTIC are singed on new year about birds arrival and grains sowing in warm ground for rich crop, what is obviously about Spring.
Names of months formed from the common SLOVISH (from SLOVE-WORD not SLAVE) and provided in the follow table:
Number | Short name | Full name |
1 | Ber | Beresen |
2 | Kvt | Kviten |
3 | Trv | Traven |
4 | Chrv | Cherven |
5 | Lyp | Lypen |
6 | Serp | Serpen |
7 | Vers | Veresen |
8 | Jovt | Jovten |
9 | Lstp | Lystopad |
10 | Grud | Gruden |
11 | Sich | Sichen |
12 | Lyt | Lytij |
Names of weeks also formed from the common SLOVISH and provided in the follow table:
Number | Short name | Full name |
1 | Pon | Ponedilok |
2 | Vtr | Vivtorok |
3 | Srd | Sereda |
4 | Cht | Chetver |
5 | Ptn | Pjatnyca |
6 | Sbt | Shobota |
7 | Ned | Nedila |
Additionally there was edited and continued in forming the holidays-anniversary file "holiday_ua" of Ukrainian for the primary SLOVISH-ANTIC ones and they are provided in the follow table:
Date (World) | Name |
1.1 | Нова РІКа |
8.1 | День Пам'яті жертв геноциду PERuSSIAN — Пурім |
pascha | День Пам'яті жертв геноциду "хрещення угідь проходимців (русі)" |
21.1 | Великий День |
8.3 | День Пам'яті жертв війн дЖИДаІВ |
15.3 | Русалій |
21.4 | Купайла |
15.6 | Спаса |
21.7 | Весілля Свічки |
7.9 | День Пам'яті жертв геноциду юдокомуни: колективізація-голод, репресії, індустріалізація-голод, лендліз-голод |
15.9 | Доля (Діди) |
21.10 | Корочун |
14.12 | Колодій |
To enable the Calendar System you can in the Trinity Control Center go to "Regional & Accessibility" > "Country/Region & Language" > "Time & Dates" and select "World" in the "Calendar system".
So, currently we have such interface:
4 Appendix. VirtualBox
Starting from version 6.1 VirtualBox has got some problems with the video interface on Linux at least, which prevent of setting normal display resolution so OpenSCADA starting in normal resolution.
Commonly VirtualBox has now three Graphics Controllers allowed in selection for VM, that is: VBoxVGA, VMSVGA, VBoxSVGA.
Where VBoxVGA and VBoxSVGA are the original VirtualBox Graphics Controllers who need the own guest driver for true work and that driver is missing in the main repositories the modern Debian for the LiveDisks build. So, the LiveDisks start mostly with the "fbdev" video driver, which however worked fine till VirtualBox 6.1 and you could change the display resolution from default 800x600 one in the loaded system, reload and got need resolution. Now these Graphics Controllers are not recommended by VirtualBox and cause often to lose the keyboard and mouse keys in the all host system.
Where VMSVGA is the VMWare Graphics Controller for which there is used the standard video driver "vmware". The driver works stable but doesn't allow to obtain any other initial display resolution than 800x600, then any resolution change from the guest system causes of the DPI increasing at freeze physical geometry of the virtual display, so you will get of the interface uncontrollable scaling for OpenSCADA and other programs.
To force the virtual display resolution to bigger initial value you can use the guest system configuration file "00-virtualbox-monitor.conf", which you have to place in the folder /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/. The configuration file is obtained from here!