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OpenSCADA libraries and projects

- Implement templates for accessing different BLE and WiFi low-level devices like to Smart Bulbs, Plug, Switch, ... .
- move to the DAQ-templates after their conception expanding for the internal links (+) and the DAQ.BlockCalc expanding for using the DAQ-templates.

- move the graphical part items to all work through the prescription manager, for the possibility to distribute the parts remotely.
- expand the document "Year report of the month values" in processing the manual entered counters overrun;
- expand the document function "Diagram" in support the bar graphs.
- creation own branding of the automation kind for: the Grub loader screen, the default wallpaper of the Desktop, the boot splash, ...
- VCA: graphical links implementing:
- implementing without the linking specific and as the typical Widget for simple line;
- implementing the linking — graphical drawing at pressing the left mouse and finishing at release, store the standard mode;
- implementing the nodes and graphical linking to the nodes;
- extended decoration.
- implementing the service commands-functions for default — no container sources
- implementing the service commands-functions for DAQ.LogicLev and for the followed VCA implementations
- VCA: implementing of linking the VCA Widget Libraries to the DAQ control libraries: loading, saving
- VCA: implementing of the graphical and logical linking: sockets description and graphical representing, simple links, grouping links
- VCA: implementing of the procedures specifying and transmitting
- implementing the service commands-functions for DAQ.BlockCalc and DAQ.JavaLikeCalc
- implementing the service commands-functions for MTP
- creating libraries for some languages of IEC 61131-3
- connect the device sensors to OpenSCADA
- connect GPS and maps to OpenSCADA
- append audio and video writing in OpenSCADA
- adapt for the scanning-photo functions under OpenSCADA control with reading the barcodes

- OpenWrt > installing the OpenWrt firmware
- OpenWrt > testing the generic finctions
- OpenWrt > building, starting and testing OpenSCADA

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