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Libraries of the user functions

Currently, OpenSCADA has libraries of the user functions written using this API user. Some of them are designed for exclusive use with this API. All user libraries are presented in the following table:

Name Version License Source Languages
Libraries of the data sources, services and processing
Main library 2.3 GPLv2 OscadaLibs.db (SQL, GZip) > DAQ.tmplb_base en, uk, ru
Industrial devices library 3.1 GPLv2 OscadaLibs.db (SQL, GZip) > DAQ.tmplb_DevLib en, uk, ru
Low level sensors and chips library 1.6 GPLv2 OscadaLibs.db (SQL, GZip) > DAQ.tmplb_LowDevLib en, uk, ru
Service procedures library 1.2 GPLv2 OscadaLibs.db (SQL, GZip) > DAQ.JavaLikeCalc.servProc en, uk, ru
Regulation elements library 1.0 GPLv2 OscadaLibs.db (SQL, GZip) > DAQ.JavaLikeCalc.regEl en, uk, ru
Library of models of the technological apparatuses 2.0 GPLv2 OscadaLibs.db (SQL, GZip) > DAQ.JavaLikeCalc.techApp en, uk, ru
Graphical elements' libraries of the OpenSCADA module UI.VCAEngine
Main elements library of the user interface 2.2 GPLv2 vcaBase.db (SQL, GZip) > VCA.wlb_Main en, uk, ru
Mnemonic elements library of the user interface 1.0 GPLv2 vcaBase.db (SQL, GZip) > VCA.wlb_mnEls en, uk, ru
Electrical elements library of the user interface 2.0 GPLv2 vcaElectroEls.db (SQL, GZip) > VCA.wlb_ElectroEls en, uk, ru
Combined libraries
Reports' and documents' library 2.0, 2.1 GPLv2

OscadaLibs.db (SQL, GZip) > DAQ.JavaLikeCalc.doc
vcaBase.db (SQL, GZip) > VCA.wlb_doc

en, uk, ru
Prescriptions 1.1, 1.1 GPLv2

OscadaLibs.db (SQL, GZip) > DAQ.tmplb_PrescrTempl
vcaBase.db (SQL, GZip) > VCA.wlb_prescr

en, uk, ru