From OpenSCADAWiki
Subsystem "Data acquisition" (DAQ)
- (*) Adapt for the low level electronic parts.
- Create modules of DAQ and transport protocol for MMS and IEC 60850.
- + test the library libiec60850;
- + write an own MMS implementation, mostly for the mode without sessions on ABB-800, complete replacing libiec60850;
- - add for sessions support, optionally;
- - implement IEC-60850 and test with "libiec60850".
- - resolve the controversy in Client::messIO() about mixing the pure requesting mode with the free read/write mode and the time of waiting responses here without passing the connection timeout directly;
- - append the automatic creation for input transports and their pre-configuration from the EndPoint object properties;
- - observe deeply the Publish service for the packages loss and the Republish request sending;
- - append for support of the history services of the server part, seeing and testing against UAExpert negotiation;
- - append for support of the history services of the client part.
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