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Planned tasks of the release

The development of OpenSCADA, after the previous LTS version and within the Work branch, was mainly through deep stabilization and through the practical adaptation with elements of the expansion of the existing functional, aimed to provide a stable and reliable environment for the industrial automation and related tasks, and therefore, there was no clearly defined plan. But three years before this release, such a plan appeared and made the following tasks, as seen from the general development plan:

  • Full revising the main documentation and preparing the release announce.
  • Adaptation for work on the software platform "Android".
  • OpenSCADA knowledge and documenting WIKI-resource moving to a new engine with the structure unification for multi-languages into the priority: English, Ukrainian, mRussian; and the off-line documentation generation at it changes.
  • Main Web-modules revision, actualization and some expanding.
  • OpenSCADA expanding and adapting for direct working with the low-level buses and their devices like to 1Wire, I2C. Implementation for "the Smart House" in my own apartments.
  • Automation Linux distributive of the project OpenSCADA formal creation and documenting.
  • Creating the Automatic building system of the OpenSCADA packages.
  • Moving the OpenSCADA server infrastructure to its own equipment and Internet channel.
  • DAQ.OPC_UA: Simplification, features rising and protocol's code moving to a separate library on LGPL v3.