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Graphical PLC Programming in OpenSCADA September 2022 Implementing the dependency
OpenSCADA adaption to the software platform "Android" February 2017 Implemented in these packages of the irregular building by Roman Savochenko for the branch Work and LTS:
  • OpenSCADA-{N}.apk — Android >= 5 (ABI 21, NDKr13)
At.png It is installable up to Android 12 ignoring the warnings and works.
  • OpenSCADA-{N}-ABI19.apk — Android 4.4 only (ABI 19, CrystaxNDKr10)
Automatic Builder of OpenSCADA May 2015

Implemented in scripts of the building, repositories and branches processing and targets checking for building for up to 100 targets by: CHROOTs of the Linux repositories, VPS and different sub-environments. As the result of the Builder work is: the fresh and signed packages repositories of Linux, Live Disk images and other binary archives of OpenSCADA.

Server and hosting infrastructure of the OpenSCADA project Jun 2014 Implemented and exploiting now to store and present those and many other resources of the OpenSCADA project.
Automation Linux distributive of the project OpenSCADA Mar 2012 Implemented in these repositories of the Automation Linux distributive and these Live Builds are provided now for the branch Work and LTS:
Общее встраивание OpenSCADA и программированные логические контроллеры (ПЛК). Адаптация OpenSCADA к аппаратной платформе ARM. Октябрь 2008 Внедрён во многих встраиваемых решениях и продолжает внедряться в новых, дополняется на предмет:
Общая концепция Среды Визуализации и Управления (СВУ) 2006 Реализовано в: UI.VCAEngine, UI.Vision, UI.WebVision
Archiving of the values of continuous processes of OpenSCADA 2006 Implemented in the module FSArch and DBArch.
Logical level of parameters of OpenSCADA 2006 Implemented in templates of the subsystem DAQ, the module LogicLev, Siemens, ModBus.
Programming environment of the project OpenSCADA 2006 Implemented in the module JavaLikeCalc, BlockCalc and the OpenSCADA object API of user programming.
Diploma project of developing of a programming environment of the project OpenSCADA for chemical-technological processes Dec 2005 Done. Sub-laid in the base of the sub-project "Programming environment of the project OpenSCADA".
Diploma project of developing of the visualization subsystem for the control system of technological processes OpenSCADA Dec 2005 Done
Материалы проекта OpenSCADA на момент официального запуска его имплементации 2003 Использовано в реализации этого проекта
Первичное техническое задание проекта OpenSCADA, ООО НИП "ДІЯ" 2002 Использовано в реализации этого проекта