From OpenSCADAWiki
- Getting for values of the visual attributes of the widget branch of the session, optimised for the networks
- Redefines the common service request of the widgets "<get path='/UI/VCAEngine/{wAddr}/%2fserv%2fattrBr' />" for the session specific.
- REQ: <get path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_{wAddr}/%2fserv%2fattrBr" tm="{clock}" FullTree="{FullTree}" />
- wAddr — the session widget local address, like to "/ses_AGLKS/pg_so/pg_2/pg_mn/pg_CM101/wdg_ElFigure1";
- clock — the internal clock (the live cycle) value from the previous processed request, for checking of the changed ones; at zero value there force appended the service-virtual attributes: "perm", "name";
- fullTree — obtaining the full widgets tree independent from presence the changes, without the attributes.
- RESP: <get path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_{wAddr}/%2fserv%2fattrBr" tm="{clock}" FullTree="{FullTree}" rez="0">{attributes} {widgets}</get>
- attributes — processed attributes in the tags "el": <el id="{ID}" p="{pos}">{value}</el>
- ID — identifier of the attribute;
- pos — position-index of the attribute for the standard ones;
- value — value of the attribute.
- widgets — child widgets in the tags "w": <w id="{ID}">{attributes} {widgets}</w>
- ID — identifier of the widget.
- attributes — processed attributes in the tags "el": <el id="{ID}" p="{pos}">{value}</el>
<get path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_AGLKS/pg_so/pg_2/pg_mn/pg_CM101/%2fserv%2fattrBr" rez="0" tm="0" user="roman">
<el id="name" p="-4">CM101</el>
<el id="perm" p="-3">6</el>
<el id="root" p="1">Box</el>
<el id="en" p="5">1</el>
<el id="active" p="6">0</el>
<el id="geomX" p="7">0</el>
<el id="geomY" p="8">0</el>
<el id="geomW" p="9">900</el>
<el id="geomH" p="10">580</el>
<w id="AT101_1">
<el id="perm" p="-3">6</el>
<el id="root" p="1">ElFigure</el>
<el id="en" p="5">1</el>
<el id="active" p="6">0</el>
<el id="geomX" p="7">338</el>
<el id="geomY" p="8">320</el>
<el id="geomW" p="9">80</el>
<el id="geomH" p="10">100</el>