From OpenSCADAWiki
- Activating the attribute for using as the visual one and creating that at missing
- REQ: <activate path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_{wAddr}/%2fserv%2fattr%2f{aID}" aNm="{aName}" aTp="{aType}" aFlg="{aFlags}" aVls="{aValues}" aNms="{aNames}">{aDef}</activate>
- wAddr — the session widget local address, like to "/ses_AGLKS/pg_so/pg_2/pg_mn/pg_CM101/wdg_ElFigure1";
- aID — identifier of the attribute;
- aName — name of the attribute at it creation;
- aType — type of the attribute at it creation, see to the object TFld;
- aFlags — flags of the attribute at it creation, see to the object TFld;
- aDef — default value of the attribute at it creation;
- aValues — the attribute values for the selective types at it creation;
- aNames — names to values of the attribute for the selective types at it creation.
<activate path="/UI/VCAEngine/ses_AGLKS/pg_so/%2fserv%2fattr%2frunWin" aNm="Run window" aTp="1" aFlg="1" aVls="0;1;2" aNms="Original size;Maximize;Full screen">0</activate>