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Table 3.5. Standard events

Identifier Description
Keyboard events: key_[pres|rels][Ctrl|Alt|Shift]{Key}
*SC#3b Scan-code of the key.
*#2cd5 Code of the unnamed key.
*Esc "Esc".
*BackSpace Removing of the previous character — "<--".
*Return, *Enter Enter — "Enter".
*Insert Insertion — "Insert".
*Delete Deleting — "Delete".
*Pause Pause — "Pause".
*Print Print of the screen — "Print Screen".
*Home Home — "Home".
*End End — "End".
*Left To the left — "<-".
*Up To the up — '^'.
*Right To the right — "->".
*Down To the down — '\/'.
*PageUp Page up — "PageUp".
*PageDown Page down — "PageDown".
*F1 ... *F35 Function key from "F1" to "F35".
*Space Space — ' '.
*Apostrophe Apostrophe — '`'.
*Asterisk Asterisk on the additional field of the keyboard — '*'.
*Plus Plus on the additional field of the keyboard — '+'.
*Comma Comma — ','.
*Minus Minus — '-'.
*Period Period — '.'.
*Slash Slash — '\'.
*0 ... *9 Number from '0' to '9'.
*Semicolon Semicolon — ';'.
*Equal Equal — '='.
*A ... *Z Keys of Latin alphabet from 'A' to 'Z'.
*BracketLeft Left square bracket - '['.
*BackSlash Backslash — '/'.
*BracketRight Right square bracket — ']'.
*QuoteLeft Left quote — .
Keyboard focus events.
ws_FocusIn Focus is obtained by the widget.
ws_FocusOut Focus is lost by the widget.
Mouse events:
key_mouse[Pres|Rels][Left|Right|Midle] Pressed/released the mouse button.
key_mouseDblClick Double-click the left mouse button.
Events of quietance on the side of the visualizer.
ws_alarmChange Notifies about the alarm status change, the attribute "alarmSt".
ws_alarmLev Quietance of all violations by all notices methods and types.
ws_alarmNtf{N} Quietance of all violations by the type {N} (0...7).
Events of the elementary figure primitive ElFigure:
ws_Fig[Left|Right|Midle|DblClick] Activating of the figures (fills) by the mouse button.
ws_Fig{N}[Left|Right|Midle|DblClick] Activating of the figure (fill) N by the mouse button.
Events of the form element primitive FormEl:
ws_LnAccept A new value in the input line is set.
ws_TxtAccept The value of the text editor is changed.
ws_ChkChange The state of the flag is changed.
ws_BtPress The button is pressed.
ws_BtRelease The button is released.
ws_BtToggleChange The button toggle is changed.
ws_BtMenu={Item} Selection of the menu Item on the button.
ws_BtLoad The selected file loaded.
ws_CombChange The value of the combo box is changed.
ws_ListChange The current list item is changed.
ws_TreeChange The current tree item is changed.
ws_TableChangeSel The table item selection is changed.
ws_TableEdit_{colN}_{rowN} The table cell ({colN}:{rowN}) is edited.
ws_SliderChange The slider position is changed.
Events of the media content primitive Media:
ws_MapAct{N}[Left|Right|Midle] Media area with the number N is activated by the mouse button.
ws_MediaFinished Media-stream play is finished.