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Support of the following elementary figures is provided: line, elliptical arc, Bézier curve and fill of the closed circuit with the color and image. For the elementary figures the following operations are provided:

  • creation/deleting of the figures;
  • copying of the figure(s);
  • moving and resizing of the figures by the mouse manipulator and keyboard;
  • possibility to connect the elementary figures to each other, getting more complex figures, for which all the properties of the source elementary figures are available;
  • possibility of simultaneous movement of several figures;
  • fill of the closed circuit with the color and image;
  • generation of mouse key events at the time of the click on the filled spaces;
  • scaling;
  • transformation: rotation and mirroring.

Figure shows a part of the screen with a frame containing the elementary figures.

Vision elfig new.png

About the inner graphical editor on the module Vision in details you can read in the corresponding section "Vector graphics editor" and here we describe only useful tips.

The figures underlying this widget, containing the points (the start and end ones) that can be connected with the according points of other figures; and the points with the help of which the geometry of the figure can be changed.

It is possible to add the figure using the mouse manipulator:

  1. Select the desired figure from the context menu.
  2. Set, with the left mouse-button, start and end points (for line, with the SHIFT key hold its orthogonal drawing is made).

The deleting of the figure(s) it is possible by pressing "Del", having selected figure(s).

The copying of the figure(s) it is possible by pressing keys "Ctrl"+"C", having selected figure(s).

Moving/resizing of the figure it is possible by using the mouse manipulator or keyboard:

  1. Select the figure, by clicking on it with the left mouse button.
  2. Drag (with the help of mouse or control keys) the figure or one of its control points in the desired location and release the mouse button (key).

It is possible to move several selected figures, selected by holding "Ctrl" (works when the "Connections" button is unlocked) or by mouse.

The connection of the figures with each other it is possible by the following way:

  1. Press the button "Connections".
  2. Select one of the figures and move its start or end point to the desired start or end point of the other figure so that it will get to the appeared circle. Connected figures are moving as well as the individual — the general point is moved for all connected figures, to which it refers, where the priority is given to the arc and two arcs can't be connected directly with each other.

To fill the closed contour from the figures it is possible with the following way:

  1. Press the button "Connections".
  2. Create the closed contour.
  3. Make the double-click of the mouse inside of it.

To delete the fill of the closed contour it is possible:

  • from the context menu, right-clicking of the mouse manipulator over the fill;
  • breaking the closed contour;
  • double-clicking of the mouse manipulator on the filled space.

Rotation of the figure is made around the widget center and mirroring is made around the central vertical axis-line.