From OpenSCADAWiki
Using the main dialog you can set:
- The state of transport, that is: status, "Connect" and name of the database, containing the configuration.
- Identifier, name and description of the transport.
- Address of the transport in the format "{dev}[:{spd}[:{format}[:{opts}[:{modTel}]]]]", where:
- dev — address of the serial device (/dev/ttyS0);
- spd — speed of the serial devices from a number: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800, 500000, 576000 or 921600;
- format — asynchronous data format "{size}{parity}{stop}" (8N1, 7E1, 5O2, ...);
- opts — different options, mostly for flow control, separated by ',':
- "[-]h" — hardware (CRTSCTS);
- "[-]s" — software (IXON|IXOFF);
- "rts" — using of the RTS signal for transferring(false) and checking for echo, for raw RS-485;
- "rts1" — using of the RTS signal for transferring(true) and checking for echo, for raw RS-485;
- "rtsne" — using of the RTS signal for transferring(false) and without checking for echo, for raw RS-485;
- "rts1ne" — using of the RTS signal for transferring(true) and without checking for echo, for raw RS-485;
- "[-]RS485" — using RS-485 mode, through TIOCSRS485.
- modTel — modem phone, presence of this field switches transport to work in the modem mode.