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The mode "Gateway of the node"

The mode is used to carryover the requests to a separate device in the other ModBus network, from the ModBus network in which this node is configured. The overall configuration of the node is made in the tab "Node"(Fig. 5) by the parameters:

  • State of the node, as follows: Status, "Enabled" and the name of the database containing the configuration.
  • Identifier, name and description of the node.
  • The state "Enabled", in which the node must be translated at boot.
  • Address of the node in the ModBus source network, from 1 to 247.
  • Input transport, of the network the node is belonged to. It is selected from the list of input transports of the subsystem "Transports" of OpenSCADA. Specifying the symbol "*" as the transport makes this node a participant of any ModBus network with the processing of requests from any transport.
  • Variant of the ModBus protocol, requests in which must be processed by the node, from the list: All, RTU, ASCII, TCP/IP.
  • The mode choice, in this case the mode "Gateway of the node".
  • Transport, in which the request must be redirected, from the list of output transports of the subsystem "Transports".
  • Protocol, in which to redirect the request.
  • Address of the ModBus network node from 1 to 247, in which the request is forwarded to.