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These additional parameters:

  • Time size of the archive files, in hours — the parameter is set automatically when the value periodicity of the archiver is changed and is generally proportional to the periodicity of the values of the archiver.
At.png Large files of the archive will be longer processed due to the long unpacking of gzip files and initial indexing, while accessing archives is deeply in the history.
  • Maximum number of files per archive — limits the maximum number of archive files and, together with the size of a single file, determines the size of the archive on the disk. Completely remove this restriction by setting the parameter to zero.
  • Maximum size of all archives, in megabytes — sets limits on the maximum occupied volume of disk space for files of all archives of the archivers. The check is carried out with the periodicity of checking the archives (beyond), as a result of which, and for exceeding the limit, the oldest files of all archives are removed. Completely remove this restriction by setting the parameter to zero.
  • Rounding for numeric values (%) — sets the marginal percentage of the difference between the values of the parameters of the integer and the real types at which they are considered identical and are arranged in the archive as one value, through sequential packaging. Allows you to well pack parameters beyond the validity — which are lightly changed. Disabling this property can be set to zero.
  • Timeout packaging archive files, in minutes — sets the time after which, in the absence of requests, the archive file will be packaged in a gzip archive. Set to zero for disabling the packaging by gzip.
  • Period of the archives checking, in minutes — sets the periodicity of checking archives for the appearance or deletion in the archive files folder, as well as exceeding the limits and removing old archives files.
  • Use info file for packaged archives — points to the need to create a file containing information about the packed gzip-archiver archive files. When copying the archive files to another station, this information file allows you to accelerate the process of first launching the destination station by eliminating the need to unzip the gzip-archives for the information.
  • Remove original archive file at error unpacking — removing is performed during the archives checking and that is useful for broken archive files.
  • Check now for the directory of the archiver — command that allows you to run the archives checking immediately, for example, after manually modifying the archiver folder.