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Linking and configuring the attributes

Identifier Name Type Configuration Configuration template Description
name Name String Input link Parameter|NAME Parameter name-code, to display in the name field.
dscr Description Text Input link Parameter|DESCR Parameter description, to place in the tooltip and statusbar.
addr Address Address Input link Parameter|var Address to the parameter attribute for the trend building.
color Graphic color String No Working color of the trend
colorDef Default color from the style String No Default color of the trend on the cadre level
Analog parameters
ed Dimension String Input link Parameter|ed
prec Precision Integer Input link Parameter|prec Number signs after the dot, for positive values, and precision (signs in whole), for negative, to display the real end variable on the screen.
log Logarithmic scale Boolean Input link Parameter|log
max Maximum Real Input link Parameter|max Upper limit value of the parameter.
min Minimum Real Input link Parameter|min Minimum limit values of the parameter.
aMax Border up alarm Real Input link Parameter|aMax
aMin Border down alarm Real Input link Parameter|aMin
wMax Border up warning Real Input link Parameter|wMax
wMin Border down warning Real Input link Parameter|wMin
pModeA Regulator mode: auto Boolean Input link Parameter|auto The regulator mode "Automatic".
pModeC Regulator mode: cascade Boolean Input link Parameter|casc The regulator mode "Cascade".
Discrete parameters
digComs Digital: commands String Constant Names and colors of the buttons of the commands are in the format {On}[-color]:{Off}[-color][:{Stop}[-color]]. Default colors are: green, red and yellow.
digStts Digital: states String Constant Names and colors of the labels of the states are in the format {On}[-color]:{Off}[-color]. Default colors are: green and red.
digRevers Digital: reversion Boolean Constant Discrete signal reverse.