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Configuring and using

1. Create a parameter in a controller object of the Logical Level or a controller object in the module DAQ.JavaLikeCalc.
2. Create an output transport of the type "Serial" and set its Identifier like to "SMS", one transport suitable for more receivers.
3. Set for proper address, only for the Serial device. The serial port speed, asynchronous data format and timeouts will adjusted by the function.
4. Create an output transport of the type "Sockets" or "SSL" and set its Identifier like to "SMTP", one transport suitable for more receivers.
5. Set-up for proper address, for Sockets(25) or SSL(465). The transport timeouts will be adjusted by the function.
6. In the tab "Template configuration" you need to set:
  • Maximum notification timeout, seconds.
  • Messages level, negative for alarms.
  • Messages category, template or regular expression.
  • Message exclusion category, in regular expression.
  • Output transport for SMTP connection, empty for disable.
  • Auth, empty for disable.
  • Sender.
  • Destination receiver address.
  • EMail topic.
  • EMail message.
  • SMS serial transport, empty for disable.
  • SMS-pin, empty for disable.
  • SMS destination receiver, tel. number.
  • SMS in the text mode, else PDU.
7. RESULT: Sending for the pointed messages at SMS or EMail(SMTP).