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Template IOs

Identifier Parameter Type Mode Attribute Configuration Value
transport Transport String Input Not attribute Constant SMDP
addr Device address (16...254) Integer Input Not attribute Constant 16
perGet Period data getting (s) Real Input Not attribute Constant 10
version Firmware Version String Input Read only Variable
CfgPrmSSID Configuration parameter session ID Integer Input Read only Variable
Srlno Measurement serial number Integer Input Read only Variable
RawFreq Channel freq. Real Input Read only Variable
GoodFreq Last used, good channel freq. (Hz) Real Input Read only Variable
RawThick Computed raw thickness, from frequency. (A) Real Input Read only Variable
XtalThick Computed material related thickness, can be zeroed. (A) Real Input Read only Variable
XtalThick_F Filtered computed material related thickness, can be zeroed. (A) Real Input Read only Variable
XtalRate Rate, angstroms per second. Real Input Read only Variable
XtalRate_F Rate, angstroms per second, filtered. Real Input Read only Variable
XtalLife XtalLife (%) Real Input Read only Variable
XtalQual Quality level (0-9). Integer Input Read only Variable
XtalQualPeak Highest quality level seen (0-9). Integer Input Read only Variable
XtalStab Stability level (0-9). Integer Input Read only Variable
XtalStabPeak Highest stability level seen (0-9). Integer Input Read only Variable
XtalStat Channel status. String Input Read only Variable
XtalLife_C XtalLife (%). Integer Input Read only Variable
SessId Session ID Integer Input Full access Variable
Fq Xtal start freq. (Hz) Real Input Full access Variable
Fm Xtal min freq. (Hz) Real Input Full access Variable
Density Material density (gm/cc). Real Input Full access Variable
Zratio Material Z ratio. Not scaled or unitized. Real Input Full access Variable
Tooling 1.000 is 100 % tooling (unity). Real Input Full access Variable
RateReq Requested rate (A/S). Real Input Full access Variable
QlvlTrip Quality threshold, if non 0 and exceeded, xtal fail occurs. Integer Input Full access Variable
SlvlTrip Stability threshold, if non 0 and exceeded, xtal fail occurs. Integer Input Full access Variable