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Template IOs

Identifier Parameter Type Mode Attribute Configuration Value
transport Transport String Input Not attribute Constant Serial.out_TDS
addr Device address [0...255] Integer Input Not attribute Constant 0
tryPer Currents try period, seconds Integer Input Not attribute Constant 600
arhH OpenSCADA archiver for device's archive of hours String Input Not attribute Constant
dtTm Date and time String Output Read only Variable
p Pressure Real Input Read only Variable
t Temperature Real Input Read only Variable
fWork Flow: work Real Input Read only Variable
fResult Flow: resume Real Input Read only Variable
tr Output transport Object Output Not attribute Variable
this Object of the parameter Object Input Not attribute Variable
f_stop Function stop flag Boolean Input Not attribute Variable 0
f_frq Frequency of calculation of the function, Hz Real Input Not attribute Variable 1000
f_err Function error String Input Not attribute Variable 0
f_start Function start flag Boolean Input Not attribute Variable 0