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1 Module DAQ.JavaLikeCalc

User object model of the module JavaLikeCalc.

The object "Functions library" (SYS.DAQ.JavaLikeCalc["lib_Lfunc"])

  • ElTp {funcID}(ElTp prm1, ...) — calls the function "funcID" of the library "Lfunc" with the parameters prm{N}. Returns result of the called function. The prefix "lib_" before the library identifier is required!

The object "User function" ( SYS.DAQ.JavaLikeCalc["lib_Lfunc"]["func"] )

  • ElTp call(ElTp prm1, ...) — calls the function "func" of the library "Lfunc" with the parameters prm{N}. Returns result of the called function. The prefix "lib_" before the library identifier is required!

2 Module DAQ.LogicLev

The object "Parameter" [this]

  • bool attrAdd( string id, string name, string tp = "real", string selValsNms = "" ) [for enabled parameter of the logical type] — adds the attribute id with the name name and the type tp. If the attribute is already present, the properties will be applied that can be changed on the go: name, selection mode and selection options.
    • id, name — identifier and name of the new attribute;
    • tp — attribute type [boolean | integer | real | string | text | object] + selection mode [sel | seled] + read-only [ro];
    • selValsNms — two lines with values in first and their names in second, separated by ";".
  • bool attrDel( string id ) [for enabled parameter of the logical type] — removes the attribute id.

3 Module DAQ.BlockCalc

User object model of the module BlockCalc.

The object "Block" (SYS.DAQ.BlockCalc["cntr"]["blk_block"])

  • ElTp cfg( string nm ) — get value of configuration field nm of the object.
  • bool cfgSet( string nm, ElTp val ) [access to the appropriate subsystem] — set configuration field nm of the object to value val.
  • TCntrNodeObj cntr( ) — return the object of controller for the parameter nesting independent.

4 Module DAQ.ModBus

User object model of the module ModBus.

The object "Controller" [this.cntr()]

  • string messIO(string pdu) — sends pdu through the transport of the controller object by means of the ModBus protocol. PDU query result is placed instead of the query pdu, and the error returned by the function.

The object "Parameter" [this]

  • bool attrAdd( string id, string name, string tp = "real", string selValsNms = "" ) [for enabled parameter of the logical type] — adds the attribute id with the name name and the type tp. If the attribute is already present, the properties will be applied that can be changed on the go: name, selection mode and selection options.
    • id, name — identifier and name of the new attribute;
    • tp — attribute type [boolean | integer | real | string | text | object] + selection mode [sel | seled] + read-only [ro];
    • selValsNms — two lines with values in first and their names in second, separated by ";".
  • bool attrDel( string id ) [for enabled parameter of the logical type] — removes the attribute id.

5 Module DAQ.Siemens

The object "Parameter" [this]

  • bool attrAdd( string id, string name, string tp = "real", string selValsNms = "" ) [for enabled parameter of the logical type] — adds the attribute id with the name name and the type tp. If the attribute is already present, the properties will be applied that can be changed on the go: name, selection mode and selection options.
    • id, name — identifier and name of the new attribute;
    • tp — attribute type [boolean | integer | real | string | text | object] + selection mode [sel | seled] + read-only [ro];
    • selValsNms — two lines with values in first and their names in second, separated by ";".
  • bool attrDel( string id ) [for enabled parameter of the logical type] — removes the attribute id.

6 Module DAQ.OPC_UA

The object "Parameter" [this]

  • bool attrAdd( string id, string name, string tp = "real", string selValsNms = "" ) [for enabled parameter of the logical type] — adds the attribute id with the name name and the type tp. If the attribute is already present, the properties will be applied that can be changed on the go: name, selection mode and selection options.
    • id, name — identifier and name of the new attribute;
    • tp — attribute type [boolean | integer | real | string | text | object] + selection mode [sel | seled] + read-only [ro];
    • selValsNms — two lines with values in first and their names in second, separated by ";".
  • bool attrDel( string id ) [for enabled parameter of the logical type] — removes the attribute id.