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  • .,*: Moved in the DAQ sources to fix table names of different parameter types and adapted to the unified conception the parameter types, that is the configuration fields are hidden now when their are standard ones and it scheduled to be cleaned in whole in v1.0.
  • FIX: TValFunc::get{S,I,R,B}() appended by code of casting the object TVarObj with EVAL/null converting.
  • System: Completely refactored and expanded for:
    • expanding the CPU DA by CPU information and frequency from different sources, including CPUFreq with the control;
    • appending a new DA Power as an interface to Linux Power and DA Process as an interface to Linux processes;
    • Sensors>DA appended by support of the directly accessible sensors "/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/*/temp" and /sys/devices/virtual/hwmon/*/temp*;
    • unification the DA interface calls DA::init(), DA::deInit(), DA::makeActiveDA() with moving most DA modules to call the unified code and implementing for them only the unified function dList();
    • the DA interface class appended by the new signs: isDynamic(), hasSubTypes();
    • appending a mode of the data generic updating from the Service Cycle and the Controller DA Task, by the new function updGen();
    • ID of the automaticly generated DA parameters changed to: CPU - "CPU[{N}]", fs - "FS{MP}", hddstat - "DiskSt_{dev}", MEM - "MEM", netstat - "Net_{IF}", sensors - "Sensors", hddsmart - "DiskSMART", ups - "UPS", uptime - "UpTm_{U}";
    • switched to the soft mode of parameters automatic creation, that is you allowed to create the source parameters automatically, save forcibly need ones and next switch to the manual mode, than preventing continued scanning.
  • FIX:DAQGate: Time of the requesting archive increased for 1 (one) microsecond to prevent of spare values requesting and their direct rewriting to the archives.
    • Improved in work with remote host without the time sync:
      • the values can be in future up to one hour;
      • the remote host timestamp everywhere used at the archive presence even in the tag "<vl>";
      • appended of detection the remote host time for its display and using in timestamp the changed values.
  • FIX:LogicLev: Significant improving the Parameter Reflection mode in:
    • dynamic creation and removing attributes;
    • disabling at the error enabling with missing the source parameter with removing all attributes;
    • the selection changed to not editable;
    • measuring the processing time.
  • OPC_UA: Appended by support the asynchronous writing like to DAQ.ModBus.
  • AMRDevs: Adapted in the Kontar part to the new conception of the associated output transports for the input ones.