From OpenSCADAWiki
- SYS: ico() appended by an argument of obtaining the file path.
- strLabEnum() appended by an argument "onlyDec" for enumerating one digit.
- Removed sysClk(), clkCalc(), shrtCnt(), HZ().
- TError: Removed for DB_TrRemoved.
- TMess: labStorRemGenStor() renamed to labStorRem(), labStor() cleaned for arguments.
- TElem: fldList() set to const.
- TFld: TFld(): Type of the argument vals, nSel changed from "const char *" to "const string&". Removed for selValS(), selValI(), selValR(), selValB(), selNm(), selVl2Nm(), selNm2VlS(), selNm2VlI(), selNm2VlR(), selNm2VlB().
- TCfg,TVal: Removed getSEL() and setSEL().
- TCntrNode: isModify() set to constant, save() added by an argument of the maximum error level.
- DAQ: TController::id() set to const.
- Transports:
- TTransportIn,TTransportOut: Moved to the protected section for logLen(), setLogLen(), pushLogMess(). Removed for logItLim(), setLogItLim().
- TTransportOut: Merged for conPrm() and setConPrm() to one conPrm(), also for UserAPI ones. clearConPrm() expanded by an argument of specifying identifier or group of cleaned parameters.
- TTransportIn::associateTrO(): expanded by support the different stages ATrStg_Create, ATrStg_Proc.
- SYS: The new definition DB_GEN "<gen>".
- Appended sysClk(), setSysClk() for receiving the CPU frequency from DAQ.System.
- The sysTm() function appended by arguments for detection of time jumps after suspending.
- TMess: The new function labStorFromCode() of names the specific storages.
- TElem: Appended by the function contN() of obtaining for counter of the connected containers.
- DAQ: TVal: Appended by the function setTime() and by a new flag AttrFlg::NoSave for preventing of marking as modified at the attribute change.
- TController: Appended by tbl() for tables of the parameter types.
- UI: User API appended by SYS.UI.mimeGet() of obtaining the MIME type from the file name.
- Transports: The new definition STR_A_PRM "prms", STR_A_PRM_CFGP "CFG:".
- TTransportS: The new functions prm(), cntrCmdPrm() of common processing transport parameters.
- TTransportIn: Appended by the function prm(), conPrm(), clearConPrm(). Appended by the UserAPI function conPrm() and setConPrm() (for compatibility) and in accordance with ones in TTransportOut.