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CONCEPTUAL > Messages Translation (fixes of the conceptual changes of the previous updates)

  • FIX:SYS,DB: TMess::translGet() fixed in detecting the system prestored messages at setting empty translation messages and the function TMess::translGetU() fixed in cleaning service zero symbols in non dynamic translation modes.
    • DB: TTable::fieldSQLSet() adapted to clearing the message base and all translations at zeroing a translation, for clear messages edition in the dynamic translation mode and from non base language.
  • SYS,DB.{SQLite,MySQL,PostgreSQL,FireBird},Protocol.HTTP: The messages translation adapted mostly for language codes more of 2 (two) symbols.
  • Protocol.HTTP,UI.{WebUser,WebVision}: Finished in adapting for dynamic translation the station name with unification the User API function pgCreator() for using language from objFuncCall().
    • Protocol.HTTP: Path from TSYS::ico() used for obtaining translated icons.
  • SYS,UI.{Vision,WebVision}: The function TSYS::atime2str() appended by the date translation and it is used in building the time scale of the primitive Diagram of VCA.
  • FIX:DB: Allowed in true writing of user changes in the Dynamic Translation Mode on non Base Language, by early checking for dynamic data.
  • FIX:DAQ: The DAQ-Templates finished in adapting to translation string type values at their editing and using in the Template Configuration Tab and fixed-adapted to the dynamic translation in using the IO names.
    • FIX:DAQGate: Fixed in the values sending of the translatable fields not in the internal translation structure.
  • Protocol: HTTP: Adapted for dynamic translation the station name and processing encoded file names of images.
    • UserProtocol: Fixed-adapted for the dynamic translation of the IO names.
  • FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Templates fixed-adapted to the dynamic translation in using the configuration template of the attributes.
  • FIX:UI.WebUser: Fixed in translation the page name in the index.
  • FIX:UI.WebVision: Fixed in dynamic translation the user name on the index page.