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CONCEPTUAL > Productivity optimisation of the VCA interface
- FXI:UI.VCAEngine:
- Adapted to work in very big processing periods and disabling the periodic processing in whole:
- fixed in obtaining the period from the owner session widget;
- appended by setting the session side period with the User API function calcPer() of the session side widget, expanded by specifying the special period values: PerVal_Sess(0), PerVal_Parent(-1), PerVal_UserMin(PerVal_Dis(-2)), PerVal_SessDef(-3);
- "Period of the calculation" renamed to the "Periodic processing" and the renamed field is specified as a generic parameter, that moved to the main configuration tab and appended by the page widgets of the project and child widget of the library widget;
- the session object appended by the User API function period(), what returns the session processing period;
- the processing period was clarified in the session widget status.
- Change of the attribute "alarmSt" appended by accompaniation the new event "ws_alarmChange".
- Adapted to work in very big processing periods and disabling the periodic processing in whole:
- UI.Vision: Adapted for renaming "Period of the calculation" to the "Periodic processing" and for moving to the main configuration tab. The previous field in the "Processing" tab is set to be hidden at that missing in the VCA model.
- LibsDB.vcaBase,ModelsDB.{AGLKS.vca,Boiler.St}: The VCA projects set to the calculation period 250 ms. Calculation of the control group of the VCA projects set to 1000 ms.
- LibsDB.vcaBase:
- wlb_Main.RootPgSo: Adapted to work in very big processing periods and disabling the periodic processing in whole:
- appended by continuing the immediately cycles before the container page opening at the start and after navigation, using the new event "usr_calc";
- appended by switching to the fast cycle at alarm blink, using the new function calcPer();
- switched to the processing period 1000 ms.
- wlb_Main.ElCadr: Adapted to work in very big processing periods and disabling the periodic processing in whole:
- appended by continuing the immediately cycles using the new event "usr_calc";
- appended by switching to the fast cycle at alarm blink, using the new function calcPer();
- switched to the processing period -1 (parent).
- wlb_Main.{grpGraph,grpGraph10}: Adapted to work in very big processing periods and disabling the periodic processing in whole:
- appended by continuing the immediately cycles using the new event "usr_calc";
- switched to the processing period -1 (parent);
- tracing period of the Diagram primitive linked also to the Widget period.
- wlb_Main.ElViewCadr: Adapted to work in very big processing periods and disabling the periodic processing in whole:
- appended by switching to the fast cycle at cursor blink, using the new function calcPer();
- switched to the processing period -1 (parent);
- tracing period of the Diagram primitive linked also to the Widget period.
- wlb_Main.storeHouse: Adapted to work in very big processing periods and disabling the periodic processing in whole:
- switched to the processing period -2 (disabled);
- appended by continuing the immediately cycles using the new event "usr_calc".
- wlb_Main.ElViewGraph: Adapted to work in very big processing periods:
- appended by continuing the immediately cycles in waiting the values appear, using the new event "usr_calc";
- appended by switching to the fast cycle at cursor blink, using the new function calcPer();
- the calculation set in 2000 ms due to need of that updating at the trend cursor changing.
- wlb_Main.grph_panel: Appended by storing the tracing period of the linked Diagram primitive. Switched to the processing period -1 (parent).
- wlb_Main.{grpCadr,ResultGraphEl}: Adapted to work in very big processing periods and disabling the periodic processing in whole:
- switched to the processing period -1 (parent);
- tracing period of the Diagram primitive linked also to the Widget period.
- wlb_Main.{TextLab,ImgLab},wlb_mnEls.{El_Kran_polozh,El_Kran_Sh,Compressor}: Adapted to work in very big processing periods and disabling the periodic processing in whole:
- appended by switching to the fast cycle at cursor blink, using the new function calcPer();
- switched to the processing period -1 (parent).
- wlb_Main.{anShow,anShow1}: switched to the processing period -1 (parent) and appended by switching to the fast cycle (500 ms) at focus and alarm blink.
- wlb_doc.{docRepDay,docRepMonth}, wlb_Main.{graphSelPrm,doc_panel,accept,treeSelect,cntrPaspExt}, wlb_Main.{ViewCadr,ResultGraph}: Switched to the processing period -1 (parent).
- wlb_doc.{docDin,docAlarmsRep}: Switched to the processing period -2 (disabled).
- wlb_doc.docRepMonth: Excluded from execution at stopping.
- wlb_doc.docRepYear: Appended by one immediately cycle after f_start, using the new event "usr_calc". Disabled for the periodic processing.
- wlb_Main.userManager: Disabled in the periodic processing.
- wlb_Main.RootPgSo: Adapted to work in very big processing periods and disabling the periodic processing in whole: