From OpenSCADAWiki
- SYS,UI.{QTCfg,WebCfgD}: The Control Requests code TError::Core_CntrWarning expanded for the warning messages pass in the attribute "mtxt" with the main data storing.
- SYS:
- The functions TSYS::id(), TSYS::name() and TSYS::user() were set as constant.
- The definitions SEC_XT, SEC_WR, SEC_RD moved from the file tsecurity.h to tcntrnode.h and used there also.
- ctrChkNode() cleaned for the argument "warn" due to the response attribute "force" is deprecated.
- The Control Interface request "chlds:/{nPath}/%2fobj" appended by not creating the empty icon tags "ico".
- NSTR_BUF_LEN(50) split to CFG_A_LEN (100) for using in the maximum attribute size of the configuration cell in XML.
- The argument "init" removed from setIcoDir(), setDocDir(), setLang() during moving under the generic clearing mechanism.
- Appending the enumeration MdfSYSFlds by the fields: MDF_Name, MDF_MESS, MDF_TR, MDF_DBG, MDF_RD.
- The TSYS::ShieldSimb encoding of the function TSYS::strEncode() renamed to TSYS::ShieldSymb, moved to the function TSYS::strDecode() and in TSYS::strEncode() appended by the common one. And the UserAPI function SYS.strDecode() appended by the decoding method "ShieldSymb".
- DB: The Control Interface request "call:/BD/{MOD}/{DB}/%2fserv%2fSQL" appended by processing the "intoTrans" attribute as EVAL at missing and clearing the request text in the response.
- DAQ::Value: The service request "get:/serv/attr" of the Control Interface prevented from clearing the "el" subtags at missing the representing attribute, them value is set to EVAL for true mark that as processed in DAQ.DAQGate and don't continue them request in each cycle.
- Archives-History: The value archive link type "Passive param. attribute (TVArchive::PassiveAttr)" renamed to "DAQ attribute (TVArchive::DAQAttr)". The value archive link type "Active param. attribute" renamed to "Active DAQ attribute" with that mark as DEPRECATED.
- Transports: The function TTransportIn::assTrO() renamed to TTransportIn::associateTrO(). The TTransportOut::isNetwork() virtual function sign moved to the TTypeTransport object with linking the old one to new one, for marking all module as the network one.
- UI.VCAEngine: The Control Interface request "get:/UI/VCAEngine/%2fserv%2fwlbBr" appended by not creating the empty icon tags "ico". The request "connect:/serv/sess" appended by the attribute "onlyMy" for connection only to own sessions, and the request "get:/ses/ses" appended by the same attribute for listing only own ones.
- SYS:
- The new function TSYS::ico() of the icon obtaining.
- Names of the security standard permissions appended by _W_W_W(0222).
- TError: expanded by new constructors with the "const string &" type arguments for no limiting strings and the convenience.
- TRegExp:
- Appended by a new option 'U' (ungreedy) of the greedy mode toggle, together the User API method "ungreedy".
- Appended by the function mode(), the argument "mode" in setPattern() and the enumeration "Mode" with the items: MD_8, MD_16, MD_32, MD_WCHAR, MD_SAVE.
- The search() function of the object appended by an argument "length" of the measured block size return.
- XMLNode: The loading flags appended by the no flag item LD_NO.
- TMess: Appended by the common label labStdOutTrs() for address format of the unified output transport function.
- DAQ:
- The DAQ item linking functions expanded by the base node specifying in the attribute "ndBase", for: ctrListPrmAttr(), daqAt(), prmAt(), attrAt().
- The object TPrmTempl::Impl appended by the new function archAttrs() of updating-archiving attributes of the LogicalLevel.
- Archives-History: The value archive object TVArchive appended by declaration the enumeration ServReqDtMode for the Control Interface request "get:/Archive/va_{ARCH}/%2fserv%2fval".
- Transports:
- The new function TTransportIn::associateTr() and its UserAPI variant SYS.Transport["Modul"]["in_Transp"].associateTr().
- The new function TTransportS::outAt() and its UserAPI variant SYS.Transport.outAt().
- The new UserAPI function SYS.Transport["Modul"]["in_Transp"].associateTrsList() as a correct naming variant to assTrsList().
- The output transport object appended by the UserAPI functions conPrm() and setConPrm() of accessing the connection parameters.
- The function TTransportS::extHostList() appended by an argument "lang" to receive translated names of remote hosts.
- The "in_" and "out_" prefix moved to the definitions STR_IN_PREF and STR_OUT_PREF respectively.
- The TTransportS object appended by the enumeration LogType with the items: LTP_BinaryText, LTP_Binary, LTP_Text.
- UI.VCAEngine:
- Appended by setting the session side period with the User API function calcPer() of the session side widget, expanded by specifying the special values: PerVal_Sess(0), PerVal_Parent(-1), PerVal_UserMin(PerVal_Dis(-2)), PerVal_SessDef(-3).
- The session object appended by the User API function period(), returning the session periodic processing.
- The attribute "alarmSt" change appended by accompaniation by the new event "ws_alarmChange".