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  • FIX:Building: Core library version risen to 3:12:0 and the program version risen to 0.9.5.
    • The module version of the subsystem "BD" risen to 15, the subsystem "DAQ" risen to 14.
    • The Debian 11 root file systems (chroots) are appended for build OpenSCADA; appended for build to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and Debian 11 ARM64; and Maemo 5 (Nokia N900) removed since the compiler crashes now constantly in several places.
    • data/*.xml: The TBDS Generic parameter "SYSStPref" removed.
    • SYS,data/ModelsDB/{AGLKS/oscada_AGLKS.xml,Boiler/oscada_Boiler.xml}: The configuration parameter "Lang2CodeBase" renamed to "LangBase" with support "Lang2CodeBase" up to the 1.0 release.
  • The source code messages and program documentation:
  • .,DAQ.DAQGate: The messages redundancy and messages transferring in DAQ.DAQGate limited for depth of the requesting messages up to the restoring time or one hour.
    • The archivers redundancy and DAQ.DAQGate switched in the initial messages requesting to:
      • request the active alarms;
      • request the archive in deep and up to the alarms requesting time, without the alarms activation;
      • ordinal-periodic request of the last messages, without the alarms activation.
  • Protocol.HTTP,UI.{WebCfg,WebCfgD,WebUser,WebVision}: Appended of the previous user detection to mark that actions for HTTP-modules with moving the previous user authentication session closing after successful the new one.
    • All the HTTP-modules adapted to the user field in the HTTP-functions with the previous user in the second line.
    • FIX:WebVision: The previous user is used now for detection of the user change between the ordinal users and for single session, than prevent to create new sessions.
  • Expanding the binary symbols [\x0-\x8\xB-\xC\x0E-\x1F] shielding:
    • XMLNode: Appended of the new saving option BinShield(0x400) for controllable shield the binary symbols [\x0-\x8\xB-\xC\x0E-\x1F], what is significant for the WebBrowsers.
    • UI.{WebCfgD,WebVision}: Appended of encoding the XML traffic for the binary symbols shielding using the new option "BinShield".
  • FIX: strParse() rewrote and tested in processing the group symbols merging at the scan; and strParse(), strLine(), pathLev() in position the offset to the next token begin and limiting in the down for 0; and pathLevEnd() in positioning the offset to the next token end and limited in the up for the size. TModSchedul::chkAllowMod(),UI.QTCfg,Protocol.HTTP: switched in use TSYS::pathLevEnd() and TSYS::pathLev() in the new behaviour.
  • Force loading appended of the errors suppression for not modified nodes before that operation.
  • .,DB,DAQ: The global configuration context copying mechanism (interstation) appended for the marking link to the last setting operation object, to easy postmarks setting.
    • DAQ: As a postmark to the saving DAQ-parameter object there appended the attribute "prmTp" with the parameter type, which is used next in true detection the parameter type changing at the following loading.
  • .,UI.{QTCfg,WebCfgD}: The OpenSCADA Control Interface for Tables expanded by the user commands.