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  • SYS: The ResMtx default constructor set to true for "isRecurs" but it is the typical situation.
    • The most functions of appending to the nodes container expanded for returning the result created node ID/name for: chldAdd(), TSecurity::{usrAdd(),grpAdd()}, TTypeBD::open(), TTypeTransport::{inAdd(),outAdd()}, TValue.chldAdd(), DAQ.{TController::add(),TParameter::add(),BlockCalc.blkAdd()}, TTypeArchivator::{messAdd(),valAdd()}, TArchiveS::valAdd(), UI.VCAEngine::{wlbAdd(),prjAdd(),WLib.add(),Project.add(),Project.Page.pageAdd()}, UI.WebUser.uPgAdd().
    • TFld::Selected everywhere renamed to TFld::Selectable.
    • The special function strMess() variant with limiting in the result message size is removed and replaced by the function strEncode() in the type TSYS::Limit.
    • chldList() and chldPresent() set to virtual.
  • DAQ,Special: The attribute "run_st" in TPrmTmplLib and TSpecial renamed to runSt.
  • Archives: TArchiveS::messPut() cleaned from the argument "force".
  • Protocols.HTTP: User API functions pgAccess(), pgCreator() moved from TProtocol to TProtocolIn.
  • Transports.In: The function protocol() renamed to protocols() and protocolFull() removed.


  • SYS: Common locks mechanism is added by a locks container, the function commonLock().
    • TConfig,*: The user API functions TConfig::cfg() and TConfig::cfgSet() of the configuration expanded by the permition control.
    • Appended for the configuration context resetting functions to defaults TCfg::toDefault() and TConfig::cfgToDefault().
    • TFunction object appended by a mark of the function procedure changing isChangedProg() and the flag TFld::Selectable and the function ioAdd() appended by the result for the appended IO position.
    • The Control Interface request "load" expanded for specifying the selected DB in the attribute "force" to perform such operations for concrete nodes.
    • XMLNode: The attributes getting function attr() expanded for the optional argument of the presence detection.
    • The user space "Array" expanded by the functions indexOf() and lastIndexOf().
    • The user API function SYS.fileRead() expanded by the arguments of the reading block offset and size.
    • The user API function strEncode() appended for support the variants "ToLower" and "Limit".
    • The user API appended for the function strFromCharUTF() of forming string from UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE, UTF-32, UTF-32LE, UTF-32BE.
    • Appended for the definition SERV_TASK_PER=10 of the service task periodicity.
    • The user API appended for the function SYS.fileSize().
    • The function str2atime() is appended to convert from string time to the UNIX epoch time supporting GMT.
    • TError appended for naming the error codes in the enum "Codes", which used everywhere.
    • The special archive names appended for the name ALRM_ARCH_CH_NM ("<alarmsChange>") of just changing the presented alarms.
    • The limits appended by USER_ITS_LIMIT (1000000) for limit the items number like to user arrays from DAQ.JavaLikeCalc.
  • DB: Appended for the transactions closing control into the OpenSCADA core by the functions trTm_ClsOnOpen(), trTm_ClsOnReq() and trPr_ClsTask().
    • Appended for the DB-objects reenabling control at the function disabledByUser().
    • Appended for configuration of the "Opened tables lifetime" of the inactive tables closing by the function tblLifeTime().
    • The attribute TBD::mEn moved to the protected space.
  • Transports:
    • In: Appended by the virtual functions keepAliveReqs(), keepAliveTm() for the true KeepAlive on Web.
    • Out: Appended for a service of closing output transports at the lifetime (inactivity) by the service function outLifeTime().
      • Expanded by the attempts field ot the generic control in the function attempts().
      • Unified for the last request time control in the function lstReqTm().
      • The function outAddrHelp() of taken common address help for the output transport modules was added.
  • Protocol.HTTP: Appended for the user API function setUser() to change the authenticated user.
  • DAQ: TController::alarmSet() expanded for the argument "force" to force the alarms on the controller objects in the redundancy.
    • The DAQ-parameter appended for the User-API function alarmSet() and the function vlSetRednt() of the unified values writing in the redundancy.
    • TDAQS::rdRestDtTm() expanded from the float to double type return.
    • Appended for the user API function daqAt().
    • The user API function funcCall() expanded by the "err" argument.
    • JavaLikeCalc: The User API functions charAt() and charCodeAt() expanded to support UTF. The User API functions expanded by isNaN() for bool, integer, real, string (especially for checking numbers in the string).
  • Archives:
    • The objects TMArchivator and TArchiveS appended of the function redntTm() and rdTm() to obtain last time of the message archives redundancy.
    • TArchiveS::rdRestDtOverTm() expanded from the float to double type return.
    • Val: The value archives appended by the common option autoIdMode() of the mode of forming ID of the automatic created archives with the enum variants AutoIdMode::{BothPrmAttrId,OnlyPrmId,OnlyAttrId}.
    • Val: The user API functions getVals() and setVals() added to implement generic archives/history accessing mechanism in an array and the fixed periodicity.
  • UI: The inline documentation declaration from description some nodes is unified in the function TUIS::docKeyGet().
    • VCAEngine: The user API function this.ownerSess().uiCmd() added on the session level. The runtime widget appended of the user API function this.attrList() of obtaining list of the widget attributes.