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Data acquisition

User object model of the core OpenSCADA.

Given the key role of the data acquisition in this type of software, this feature, in the person of the subsystem "Data acquisition" and its modules, has received significant improvements, of which particular attention should be paid: shifting emphasis on the extending supported data sources from implementation of individual modules of the subsystem "Data acquisition" in the system language "C/C++", to their implementation in the OpenSCADA environment and in its internal language — logical level of OpenSCADA. That is, at the logical level of OpenSCADA, can be and implements everything that: uses the network to access the data, does not require to use specific libraries and functions, and is not very complicated. Currently there implemented in this way:

Low-level devices connected to Raspberry Pi.
OpenSCADA on Raspberry Pi LCD screen.
  • Sending SMS (SMS) and Email (SMTP).
  • Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), as a data object with attributes of values.
  • Simple sensors:
    • Елемер TM510x;
    • Sycon Multi Drop Protocol (SMDP);
    • Power supply of the turbo-molecular pump (TMP-xx03);
    • Temperature measurement IT-3 (IT3);
    • IVE-452HS-02;
    • CTR 100, 101.
  • Computer of the heat-counter VKT7.
  • IEC-60870-104.
  • Test implementations and examples: DCON, OWEN.
  • Bus "One Wire" in help of {DS9097,DS9097U} (1W_{DS9097,DS9097}) for chips: DS1820, DS1820/DS18S20/DS1920, DS1822, DS2413, DS2408, DS2450, DS2438.
  • Bus I2C: PCF8591, PCF8574, BMP180, DS3231, AT24C{32|64}.
  • Generic ports IO (GPIO): DHT11,22 (AM23XX). GPIO|I2C: 1602A(HD44780).