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We name the analog parameter — TE1314_1 (TE1314_1) (Fig.4.3.1). The parameter type set to "Logical", the parameter template select in "base.anUnif", the description set in "Output temperature AT101_1", set the flags "To enable" and "Enabled". Next, we need to configure:

  • The parameter template in the tab "Template configuration", which appeared (Fig.4.3.2):
    • the "Input" field set to value of the ModBus-register address of this parameter — "R:101";
    • the "Maximum module scale" field set to value — 65535, which corresponds to 100 °C.
  • The "Attributes" tab (Fig.4.3.3):
    • "Dimension" to — "deg. C";
    • "Scale: minimum" to — 0;
    • "Scale: maximum" to — 100;
    • "Border up alarm" to — 40;
    • "Border up warning" to — 30.
  • Save the object.