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In the "Configuration" section, the configuration of the controller object is directly located. Set the following ones leaving everything else unchanged:

  • "To enable" and "To start" indicate what state to move the controller object when the program is started — set both fields.
  • "Acquisition schedule" contains configuration the scheduler to run the data acquisition task. You can get description the configuration format for this field from the tooltip. Single number indicates to periodicity of the execution, in seconds — we'll specify one second.
  • "ModBus protocol" refers to variant of the ModBus protocol. Possible variants of the protocol are "TCP", "RTU" and "ASCII". Currently we are interested in the variant TCP, so leave it as it is. The protocols "RTU" and "ASCII" must be installed in the case of communication with the controller through serial interfaces, often it is "RS-485".
  • "Transport address" indicates the outgoing transport of the subsystem "Transports", which is used to connect to the controller. In the case of the variant "TCP", we need a transport in the module Sockets, and in the case of the variants "RTU", "ASCII" and serial interfaces we need a transport in the module Serial. About creation the outgoing transport in "Sockets" and "Serial" will elaborate below.
  • "Destination node" indicates to node of the data source or controller in the ModBus network. In our case it should be 1.
  • "Merging of the data fragments" enables merging non-adjacent registry fragments in one block of the request up to the specified maximum number of bytes instead of generating individual queries, than allows you to reduce total acquisition time — set this option.