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2 ============== Generic options ================================
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-h, --help This help text about the program command-line options and configuration file parameters.
--projName=<name> OpenSCADA project name to switch it. For this feature there also uses an environment variable "OSCADA_ProjName" and the program binary name "openscada_{ProjName}". --projUserDir={dir} Directory of user projects (writeable) of OpenSCADA, "~/.openscada" by default. --projLock={per} Uses the projects locking by creation the \"lock\" file in the project folder and update it in the period <per>, by default it is enabled and the updating period <per> is 60 seconds. To disable set the updating period <per> to zero. --lang=<LANG> Station language, in the view "en_US.UTF-8". --config=<file> Station configuration file. --station=<id> Station identifier. --statName=<name> Station name. --modDir=<path> Directories with the modules, separated by ';', they can include a files' template at the end. --messLev=<level> Level of the processing messages (0-7). --log=<direct> Direct messages to, by the bitfield: 0x1 - syslogd; 0x2 - stdout; 0x4 - stderr; 0x8 - the messages archive. --consoleCharSet={CharSet} Forcing to the console <CharSet> for the console messages, by default it is system one. --demon, --daemon Run in the daemon mode. --pidFile=<file> File for the program process ID placing here. --noCoreDump Prevents from the core dump creation at crashes - don't set the limit to the unlimited value. --permCrtFiles={perm} Permissions of the created OpenSCADA files, by default it is 0755 (RWXRW_RW_).
Station 'AGLKS(SimulatorStation)' settings in the configuration file -----------
StName <nm> Station name. WorkDB <Type.Name> Working DB (<type> and <name>). WorkDir <path> Working directory. ModDir <path> Directories with the modules, separated by ';', they can include a files' template at the end. IcoDir <path> Icons directory. DocDir <path> Documents directory. MessLev <level> Level of the processing messages (0-7). SelDebCats <list> Debug categories list, separated by ';'. LogTarget <direction> Direct messages to, by the bitfield:
0x1 - syslogd; 0x2 - stdout; 0x4 - stderr; 0x8 - the messages archive.
Lang <lang> Station language-locale in the view "en_US.UTF-8". LangBase <lang> Base language and the project whole locales (like to "en_US.UTF-8") list (optional) separated by ';', for the multilanguage mode. MainCPUs <list> Main list of the using CPUs, separated by ':'. TaskInvPhs <n> Number of phases of the task invoking, 1 to disable the phasing. ClockRT <0|1> Sets the clock source to use to REALTIME (otherwise MONOTONIC), which is problematic one at the system clock modification. SaveAtExit <0|1> Save the program at exit. SavePeriod <seconds> Period of the program saving, 0 to disable. ModifCalc <0|1> Set modification for the calculated objects. RdStLevel <lev> Level of the redundancy of the current station. RdTaskPer <seconds> Call period of the redundancy task. RdRestConnTm <seconds> Time to restore connection to "dead" reserve station. RdStList <list> Redundant stations list, separated symbol ';' (st1;st2). RdPrimCmdTr <0|1> Enables the transmission of primary commands to the reserve stations.
Global configurable limits:
limObjID_SZ [*20..50] ID size of the OpenSCADA objects.
WARNING! Big size can cause the key limit error on MySQL like DB! Change that once before use on DBs with the fixed type "char({N})"!
limObjNm_SZ [*100...200] NAME size of the OpenSCADA objects.
WARNING! Change that once before use on DBs with the fixed type "char({N})"!
limObjDscr_SZ [300...*1000...1000000] DESCR size of the OpenSCADA objects. limArchID_SZ [*50...90] ID size of the value archive objects.
WARNING! Increase it only, else you can get problems on Archive.FSArch! Change that once before use on DBs with the fixed type "char({N})"!
limUserFile_SZ [1MB...*10MB...1000MB] The files size limit at loading and processing in the userspace
and the part size of the big files transferring.
limUserIts_N [1000...*1000000...1000000000] The limit on count of creating user items, like to array items. limCacheIts_N [*100...100000] The limit on count of the caching items. limCacheIts_TM [10...*60...1000] The limit on the caching items time, seconds.
Global configurable parameters:
prmStrBuf_SZ [1000...*10000...1000000] Length of string buffers, no string class. prmWait_DL [0.001...*0.1...1] Quantum of the waiting time cycles, seconds. prmWait_TM [*5...10] Standard waiting timeout length, seconds. prmInterf_TM [*7...15] Time of waiting for the interface reaction, seconds. prmServTask_PER [1...*10...120] Service task period, seconds.