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The tab "Values" (Fig.4.6c) contains the general configuration of the values archiving and list of the value archives. In the context menu of the list of values the user has the opportunity to add, delete and go to the desired archive. The general configuration of the archiving is represented by the fields:

  • Period of the data receiving — indicates the periodicity of the task of the active archiving, in milliseconds. Highest level of detail or minimum period of the active archives is in fact determined by this value.
  • Level of priority of the data receiving task — sets priority of the task of the active archiving. It is used when scheduling the operating system tasks. In the case of proper access availability this field enables the planning of the archiving task in real time and with the specified priority otherwise it modifies the parameter "nice" of the task.
  • Forced to set timestampes in the current time — timestamp of received values, on the active archiving, forces to the current time, replaces the data source time.
  • Mode of forming ID of the automatic created archives — the mode of forming identifier at selecting the archiving in the tab "Archiving" of the DAQ-parameters.
  • Number — detailed number of the value archives with the common statistic about ones: enabled, no source (passive), error (missing source), lost (empty storage), doubly linked.
  • Value archives — list of the value archives itself.
  • Remove all ... — group operations of removing all no source - passive, with error source - missing source, lost archives - empty storage, doubly linked.