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The tab "Controller" (Fig.4.5h) contains the basic settings. Content of these settings may differ slightly from one module of this subsystem to another, as you can find in the own documentation of the modules. As an example, let's examine the settings of a controller object in the module of the logical level controller DAQ.LogicLev:

  • Section "State" — contains the properties, which characterize the state of the controller object and the controller itself:
  • Status — specifies the controller object status. In our case, the controller is running and the current computation time is 1.15 milliseconds and the maximum one is 2.42 milliseconds.
  • Enabled — state of the controller object "Enabled". When enabled, the controller object provides the possibility of creating the parameters and their configuration.
  • Running — State of the controller object "Running". The running controller object performs the physical data acquisition and/or includes mechanisms for access to these data.
At.png Some data source types provides a possibility of performing some part of the function of coming to the Enabled state — hot updating the data configuration at the manual starting and that you can see in the field tooltip.
  • Storage — data storage of the controller object and its parameters, with tracking the availability of the data in different storages and providing the sequentially removing duplicates. Parameters of different types are stored in different tables with own structure and unified name "{ModId}{TypeId}_{CntrId}", which can be specific for some modules.
  • Date of modification — date and time for the object last modification.
  • Section "Configuration" — directly contains the configuration fields:
  • Identifier — information on the controller object identifier.
  • Name — specifies the controller name.
  • Description — brief description of the controller and its purpose.
  • To enable — indicates the state of "Enabled", in which to transfer the controller object at the program startup.
  • To start — indicates the state of "Running", in which to transfer the controller object at the program startup.
  • Schedule of the calculation — defines whether periodic or scheduled character of the calculations is. In our example the template calculation is periodic in one second.
  • Priority of the acquisition task — sets priority of the data acquisition of this controller. It is used when scheduling the operating system tasks. In the case of proper access availability this field enables the planning of the controller task in real time and with the specified priority otherwise it modifies the parameter "nice" of the task.