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The common releasing process for the users to estimate your expectations and for the developers to remind the tasks:
1. The preparing and building week:

  • Building the last Work SVN-revision for all environments of the irregular building to provide early and wide testing the coming LTS release.
  • Announcing the releasing process start:
  • Merging the Work branch changes or copying the whole Work branch tree to the LTS branch-tree.
  • Making some LTS specific changes about the version rise:
    • updating for version of the release-update and core library;
    • updating data/*.spec and data/{debian,debian_mod}/changelog for the new version number and appending the files' changelog for new release-update entry.
  • Forming-appending the LTS ChangeLog by the changes from the Work ChangeLog, grouping the changes by the location and sorting them by the fixing status and the level, with combination new features under one item and without removing any different changes.
  • Copying the significant changes from the formed LTS ChangeLog to the related page of the release-update, taking the changes in the level more or even than "!!".
  • Translating the release-update pages, updating the ToDo and RoadMap.
  • Generating the actual offline documentation using the service procedure "EXT: Off-line documentation".
  • Committing the LTS tree changes to the repository and building that.
  • Announcing the release-update.
  • Updating the Download page.