From OpenSCADAWiki
Building steps at the RPM specification file:
- 1. Locate the OpenSCADA archives and the specification file in the RPM build folder (the source files are pre-located in the current directory):
cp openscada-1+r2920.tar.xz openscada-res-1+r2920.tar.xz {RPMBuildDir}/SOURCES
cp openscada.spec {RPMBuildDir}/SPECS
- 2. Resolve of the OpenSCADA project's dependencies for building in accordance with the requirements. Arguments for the command "configure" you can specify into the file "openscada.spec".
- 3. Build the packages
- build from the beginning:
rpmbuild -bb {RPMBuildDir}/SPECS/openscada.spec
- only the installation and packaging from the etersoft rpm-utilities package (useful when configuring openscada.spec file):
rpmbb -i {RPMBuildDir}/SPECS/openscada.spec
- 4. Packages are ready and available in the directory "{RPMBuildDir}/RPMS" for the appropriate architecture.