Q: How can I connect the visualiser UI.Vision to a remote visualisation server or PLC with such function?
Re: Yes, you are allowed for creation of visualiser servers and PLCs based on the module UI.VCAEngine with all VCA-data of the user visualisation projects on them and obliviously with OpenSCADA installed there. Next you are allowed for a connection to the remote visualisation servers or PLCs by the module UI.Vision for locally developing and visualisation of the remote user visualisation projects. The detailed instruction you can get in the Quick Start manual's part "Connecting and using remote and background configurations" and here you have get a short instruction. This short instruction also usable to get remote control of the visualiser servers and PLCs. To do that you must follow next procedure on a client station with the module UI.Vision and any configuration include pure-empty one:
- Create a connection to the visualiser server or PLC as an OpenSCADA station on the transports page of any OpenSCADA configurator, in the "System" mode. If you will set also the "User" mode you will be allowed to control the remote station from the configurator and user, after the navigation tree updating.
- Select on the visualiser page of any OpenSCADA configurator: a new connection, start user, user's password of the remote station and a project or projects for their automatic execution, else you will get in the developing mode. Next starting of the module UI.Vision should cause establishing of the remote connection to the visualiser server or PLC with their projects developing or execution. For querying the station together user and password at the module generic call you can select the connection-station "<Select>", useful at presence of many control stations and for opening several of them simultaneously.