Table 6. Hierarchical dependencies of the information elements of the language.
Tag |
Description |
Attributes |
oscada_cntr |
The root element of the page. It is the only and serves to identify the origin of language of control interface. |
id — ID;
dscr — description.
area, img, branches
branches |
Container of the groups of child branches of the node. |
id — Container's ID. It is equal: br.
grp |
The group of the child nodes. |
id — prefix of the group of child nodes in the system;
dscr — description of the branches' group;
acs — access options.
area |
Grouping of the standard tags. |
id — ID;
dscr — description;
acs — access options.
area, fld, list, table, comm, img
comm |
Commands to the node. |
id — ID;
dscr — description;
help — command's help;
tp — command's type (lnk — ссылка);
acs — access options.
fld |
Description of the standard data types. |
id — ID;
dscr — description;
help — help;
acs — access options.
tp — element's type:
- str(len, dest, cols, rows(SnthHgl)) — string element;
- dec(len, max, min, dest) — integer in decimal representation;
- oct(len, max, min, dest) — integer in octal;
- hex(len, max, min, dest) — integer in hexadecimal;
- real(len, max, min, dest) — real number;
- bool — boolean sign;
- time — time/date in seconds (from 01/01/1970).
len — value length (char.);
min — minimum of value;
max — maximum of value;
cols — number of columns;
rows — number of rows;
dest — input method:
- data — source of binary data (base64).
- select(select) — selective type;
- sel_ed(select) — selective type with the possibility of editing.
select — path to the hidden list;
sel_list — static list (separator ';');
sel_id — static list of the identifiers (separator ';').
list |
List of standard data types. |
id — ID;
dscr — description;
help — help list;
acs — access options;
tp — as in fld except:
- br(br_pref) — child nodes.
idm — indexed list (0|1);
s_com — ways of the list's modification [add][,ins][,edit][,del]:
- add — add rows;
- ins — insert rows;
- edit — modify rows;
- del — delete rows.
br_pref — child node's prefix;
dest — as in fld.
table |
Table of standard data types. |
id — ID;
dscr — description;
help — table help;
acs — access options;
key — key columns (key="id,name,per");
cols — list of columns in the request attribute;
rows — range of rows in the attribute of the request;
s_com — types of the table's modification [add][,del][,ins][,move][,{user}]:
- add[:{CustName}] — add row, with the menu item custom name CustName;
- ins[:{CustName}] — insert row, with the menu item custom name CustName;
- del[:{CustName}] — delete row, with the menu item custom name CustName;
- move — move row;
- {user}[:{name}] — user command to row or in whole table with the menu item name name.
img |
Image. |
id — ID;
dscr — description;
help — image help;
acs — access options;
h_sz — horizontal limitation;
v_sz — vertical limitation.