From OpenSCADAWiki
The request is made by sending a tag with parameters in the attributes. The result is placed into the resulting tag with some attributes modified. In general, the request tag can be written: <{req} path="{path}" user="{user}">{text}</{req}>. Where:
- req — request;
- path — path, consists directly of the path to the node and the address of a specific element in the information structure of the node, where the address of the specific element is also the path encoded for the "/" character in "%2f" and written by the last element-file of the common path, for example — "/sub_DAQ/mod_ModBus/cntr_testTCP/%2fcntr%2fcfg%2fNAME";
- user — user of the program on behalf of which the request is sent, usually sets automatically;
- text — text or result of the request.