From OpenSCADAWiki
- NSTR_BUF_LEN — Length of string buffers for numbers (50 symbols).
- CFG_A_LEN — Maximum attribute size of the configuration cell in XML (100 symbols).
- DAQ_APER_FRQ — Frequency of representing the aperiodic invokes, like to "f_start", of the periodic processes in Hz (1000000).
- RECURS_DET_HOPS — Hops/depth number of the recursion detection.
- ARCH_BUF — Name of requesting the messages buffer ("<buffer>").
- ARCH_ALRM — Name of requesting the actual alarms table ("<alarms>").
- ARCH_ALRM_CH — Name of requesting for records change of the the actual alarms table ("<alarmsChange>").
- ARCH_NOALRM — Name of requesting for the buffer and archivers and without the actual alarms table ("<noalarms>").
- DB_GEN — Code name of the Generic Storage ("<gen>").
- DB_CFG — Code name of the Configuration File ("<cfg>").
- DB_NULL — Mark of the DB NULL value ("<NULL>").
- __func__ — The full name of the calling function.
- vmin (a,b) — Determination of the minimum value.
- vmax (a,b) — Definition of the maximum value.