From OpenSCADAWiki
Public methods:
- TFunction( const string &id, const char *grp = "root", const string &istor = "" ); — Initializing constructor of the function with the identifier id, users group grp and storage stor.
- TFunction( const TFunction &src ); — Copying constructor.
- TFunction &operator=( const TFunction &func ); — Copying of functions.
- string id( ) const; — Function ID.
- virtual string name( ); — Localized name of the function.
- virtual string descr( ); — Description of the function.
- virtual string prog( ); — Program's text of the function, for no static ones.
- virtual string stor( ); — Storage DB, for table "Trs" mostly.
- bool startStat( ) const; — Status - "Running".
- int use( ); — Counter of the function's using.
- ResRW &fRes( ); — Link to the resource of the function.
- void setId( const string &vl ); — Set the function identifier.
- virtual void setProg( const string &prg ); — Set program's text of the function, for no static ones.
- void setStor( const string &istor ); — Set storage DB to stor.
- virtual void setStart( bool val ); — Start/stop val of the function.
- void ioList( vector<string> &list ); — The list of the function's parameters list.
- int ioId( const string &id ) const; — Getting the index of the function's parameter id.
- int ioSize( ) const; — The quantity of the function's parameters.
- IO *io( int id ) const; — Getting the function's parameter by the index id.
- int ioAdd( IO *io ); — Addition of the function's parameter io. Returns the actual position of the new IO.
- int ioIns( IO *io, int pos ); — Insert of the function's parameter io into the position pos. Returns the actual position of the new IO.
- void ioDel( int pos ); — Deleting the function's parameter in the position pos.
- void ioMove( int pos, int to ); — Moving the function's parameter from the position pos to the position to.
- virtual void calc( TValFunc *val ); — The calculation of the function's algorithm of the specified values val.
- virtual void valAtt( TValFunc *vfnc ); — Is called by the object of the values' frame vfnc in the case of attaching with the function.
- virtual void valDet( TValFunc *vfnc ); — Is called by the object of the values' frame vfnc in the case of detaching from the function.
- virtual void preIOCfgChange( ); — Is called before the changing of the configuration of the function.
- virtual void postIOCfgChange( ); — Is called after the changing of the configuration of the function.