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Public methods:

  • int subVer( ); — Subsystem's version.
  • void subStart( ); — Start of the subsystem.
  • void subStop( ); — Stop of the subsystem.
  • AutoHD<TUI> at( const string &name ) const; — Connects to the user's interface module.
  • string fontSnthHglCode( ); — Getting the font name used in the syntax highlight for code.
  • void setFontSnthHglCode( const string &val ) — Setting the font name used in the syntax highlight for code.
  • static string icoGet( const string &inm, string *tp = NULL, bool retPath = false ); — Downloads image of the icon inm from standard directories or return path, on retPath, to allowed icon. Detecting icons for file extensions "png", "gif", "jpg", "jpeg", which return into tp.
  • static string docGet( const string &inm, string *tp = NULL, unsigned opt = 0 ); — Downloads document inm from standard directories or return path, on retPath, to allowed document. Detecting documents for file extensions "pdf", "html", "odt", which return into tp.
  • static string docKeyGet( const string &itxt ); — Gets the inline documentation key from the text itxt of a configuration field, often it is the node description and the key "DOC" in it.
  • static string mimeGet( const string &inm, const string &fDt, const string &orig = "" ); — Gets file's mime type in view {group}/{type} for the file name inm, its content fDt and the original hint orig.