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Public methods:

  • TVArchEl( TVArchive &iarchive, TVArchivator &iarchivator ); — Initializing constructor fro the connection the archive iarchive with the archiver iarchivator.
  • virtual void fullErase( ); — Called to complete removal of the archive part in the archiver.
  • virtual int64_t end( ); — End time in microseconds of the available values in the archive of the archiver.
  • virtual int64_t begin( ); — Begin time in microseconds of the available values in the archive of the archiver.
  • int64_t lastGet( ); — Time of last transfer of the data from the buffer to the storage.
  • TVariant getVal( int64_t *tm, bool up_ord, bool onlyLocal = false ); — Request of the value for the time tm and with the sign of moving to the top up_ord, with the specifying of the request of only local archive in onlyLocal.
  • void getVals( TValBuf &buf, int64_t beg = 0, int64_t end = 0, bool onlyLocal = false ); — Request of the values' frame buf for the time from beg to end, with the specifying of the request of only local archive in onlyLocal.
  • void setVals( TValBuf &buf, int64_t beg = 0, int64_t end = 0, bool toAccum = false ); — Setting the values' frame from the buf for the time from beg to end, through the accumulation toAccum.
  • TVArchive &archive( ); — Elements' archive.
  • TVArchivator &archivator( ); — Elements' archiver.