From OpenSCADAWiki
Public methods:
- TValBuf( ); — Buffer initializer with default settings.
- TValBuf( TFld::Type vtp, int isz, int64_t ipr, bool ihgrd = false, bool ihres = false ); — Buffer initializer with the specified parameters.
- TValBuf( const TValBuf &src ); — Copying constructor.
- TValBuf &operator=( const TValBuf &src ); — Object copying.
- void clear( ); — Cleaning the buffer.
- TFld::Type valType( bool full = false ); — Type of the value stored in the buffer. full — request full type, else only generic.
- bool hardGrid( ); — Hard grid working mode.
- bool highResTm( ); — High resolution (microseconds) working mode of the buffer.
- bool fillLast( ); — Fill pass points to a last value. Mostly the pass values fill by EVAL but sometime the source's data periodicity greater to the archive's one and it is normal.
- int size( ); — Maximum buffer size (units).
- int realSize( ); — Real buffer size (units).
- int64_t period( ); — Frequency of values in the buffer (microseconds). If the frequency is zero the buffer operates in the mode of free access.
- int64_t begin( ); — Start time of the buffer (microseconds).
- int64_t end( ); — End time of the buffer (microseconds).
- bool vOK( int64_t ibeg, int64_t iend ); — Checking for values in the buffer for the specified period of time from ibeg to iend.
- void setValType( TFld::Type vl ); — Setting of the value type stored by the buffer.
- void setHardGrid( bool vl ); — Setting the hard grid mode.
- void setHighResTm( bool vl ); — High resolution (microseconds) working mode setting.
- void setFillLast( bool vl ); — Set to fill pass points to a last value.
- void setSize( int vl ); — Buffer size (units) setting.
- void setPeriod( int64_t vl ); — Frequency of values in the buffer (microseconds) setting.
- virtual void getVals( TValBuf &buf, int64_t beg = 0, int64_t end = 0 ); — Request of the values' frame buf for the time from beg to end.
- TVariant get( int64_t *tm = NULL, bool up_ord = false ); — Request value for the time tm and with the sign of moving to the top up_ord.
- virtual string getS( int64_t *tm = NULL, bool up_ord = false ); — Request of the string type value for the time tm and with the sign of moving to the top up_ord.
- virtual double getR( int64_t *tm = NULL, bool up_ord = false ); — Request of the real type value for the time tm and with the sign of moving to the top up_ord.
- virtual int64_t getI( int64_t *tm = NULL, bool up_ord = false ); — Request of the integer type value for the time tm and with the sign of moving to the top up_ord.
- virtual char getB( int64_t *tm = NULL, bool up_ord = false ); — Request of the boolean type value for the time tm and with the sign of moving to the top up_ord.
- virtual void setVals( TValBuf &buf, int64_t beg = 0, int64_t end = 0 ); — Setting the values' frame from buf fro the time from beg to end.
- void set( const TVariant &value, int64_t tm = 0 ); — Setting value with the time tm.
- virtual void setS( const string &value, int64_t tm = 0 ); — Setting the string type value with the time tm.
- virtual void setR( double value, int64_t tm = 0 ); — Setting the real type value with the time tm.
- virtual void setI( int64_t value, int64_t tm = 0 ); — Setting the integer type value with the time tm.
- virtual void setB( char value, int64_t tm = 0 ); — Setting the boolean type value with the time tm.