From OpenSCADAWiki
Targets of the project — reality
Main purposes, which are pursued with the project, are:
- openness — mostly GPL v.2;
- scalability, flexibility, extensibility — modularity, multithreading and internal dynamism;
- executive redundancy — reservation;
- accessibility — opened source texts; multilingual; dynamic multilingual; automatic build for archives, packages, live disks, ...; builds and executes on wide age Linux environments, from 2002 to modern ones;
- reliability — practical application, quick problems solving;
- security — permissions distribution, SSL;
- multiplatform — x86_32, x86_64, ARM, Web, Android, QNX;
- united, unified, user-friendly, dynamic and advanced user interface — Qt, Web, transparent and multi-level remote dynamic control;
- wide range of the data sources — unified ones, DAQ boards and low-level buses, created into the environment of OpenSCADA.