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Module Name Version License Source Languages Platforms Type Author
ODBC DB by ODBC 0.2 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM DB Roman Savochenko
BD module. Provides support of different databases by the ODBC connectors and drivers to the databases.
  • To Do:
+ main functions implementation for generic SQL requests, testing for: SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, FireBird;
- specific DBMS properties: quotes for names and values (there are generic and standard ones), ... ;
- OpenSCADA internal DB's layer function fieldStruct() implementation for generic SQL dialects and DBMS specific;
- OpenSCADA internal DB's layer functions fieldSeek(), fieldGet(), fieldDel() implementation for generic SQL dialects and DBMS specific;
- OpenSCADA internal DB's layer functions fieldDel() implementation for generic SQL dialects and DBMS specific;
- generic tests passing for: SQLite(there are some problems in allowed connectors), MySQL, PostgreSQL, FireBird;
- testing an ODBC connector for DBMS Oracle.