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This page shows translation statistics for all message groups for a language.

Language code

Translation statistics for Russian (recent translations).

Message group Messages Untranslated Completion Outdated
Documents/API 400 393 1% 0%
Documents/DAQ 88 5 94% 5%
Documents/FAQ 32 3 90% 7%
Documents/How to/Build from source 32 26 18% 79%
Documents/How to/Create module 24 22 8% 84%
Documents/How to/Create multi language project 31 31 0% 0%
Documents/How to/Live disk 26 2 92% 0%
Documents/Program manual 300 27 91% 8%
Documents/Quick start 268 4 98% 0%
Documents/Release 0.9/Update 7 20 17 15% 0%
Documents/Release 0.9/Update2 12 1 91% 9%
Documents/Release 0.9/Update5 20 17 15% 0%
Documents/Release 0.9/Update6 19 16 15% 0%
Documents/Terms 3 1 66% 34%
Documents/User API 43 7 83% 14%
Functions and demands 25 3 88% 12%
Libs/Devices 214 206 3% 0%
Libs/Documents 112 75 33% 0%
Libs/Generic list 11 2 81% 0%
Libs/LowLevelDevices 63 54 14% 0%
Libs/Main 120 113 5% 1%
Libs/Main graphical elements 330 51 84% 4%
Libs/Mnemo elements 56 2 96% 0%
Libs/Service procedures 21 13 38% 0%
Modules/BFN 12 1 91% 9%
Modules/BlockCalc 36 6 83% 9%
Modules/Comedi 17 1 94% 6%
Modules/DAQGate 14 1 92% 8%
Modules/DBGate 15 15 0% 0%
Modules/DCON 15 1 93% 7%
Modules/DiamondBoards 21 2 90% 10%
Modules/HTTP 30 1 96% 4%
Modules/ICP DAS 42 2 95% 5%
Modules/JavaLikeCalc 62 8 87% 7%
Modules/LogicLev 24 5 79% 9%
Modules/ModBus 62 4 93% 7%
Modules/OPC UA 114 2 98% 2%
Modules/QTCfg 27 5 81% 19%
Modules/QTStarter 29 1 96% 4%
Modules/SelfSystem 13 5 61% 31%
Modules/Serial 28 7 75% 18%
Modules/Siemens 47 1 97% 3%
Modules/SNMP 22 1 95% 5%
Modules/Sockets 20 9 55% 30%
Modules/SoundCard 15 2 86% 14%
Modules/SSL 21 16 23% 53%
Modules/System 24 20 16% 30%
Modules/UserProtocol 25 1 96% 4%
Modules/VCAEngine 42 7 83% 15%
Modules/Vision 159 19 88% 6%
Modules/WebCfgD 33 2 93% 7%
Modules/WebUser 17 1 94% 6%
Modules/WebVision 51 4 92% 6%
Sub-projects/Automatic Builder of OpenSCADA 8 8 0% 0%
Sub-projects/Automation Linux distributive 63 63 0% 0%
Sub-projects/Embedding and PLC 118 4 96% 2%
Sub-projects/Server 69 69 0% 0%
Sub-projects/VCA 299 38 87% 3%
User:RomanSavochenko 5 5 0% 0%
Using/OpenWrt TELEOFIS RTU968 10 2 80% 0%
Works/Road map 12 4 66% 9%
Works/To do 13 13 0% 0%
All message groups together 3,904 1,447 62% 5%