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Features of the formation of the input socket address are given in the table below:

Socket type Address


  • addr – address for socket to be opened, empty or "*" address opens socket for all interfaces. There may be as the symbolic representation as well as IPv4 "" or IPv6 "[::1]".
  • port, port2, portN – network ports on which the socket is sequential opened (at busy the first ones), indication of the character name of the port, according to /etc/services is available.
  • mode – mode of the input socket working:
    • 0 — force closing the connection after the session reception-response.
    • 1(default) — do not close, only by the KeepAlive parameters.
    • 2 — initiative connection. Enables the mode of connecting this input transport to remote host (address instead of local) and switching to the listening state of this host. The "Keep alive timeout" value is used as the timeout of the re-connection of this transport in the absence of activity in order to restore the possibly lost connection.
  • IDmess — identification message of the initiative connection — the mode 2.

Example: "TCP::10001:1" — the TCP socket is available on all interfaces, opened on port 10001 and the connection does not break.



  • addr — the same as in the TCP;
  • port — the same as in the TCP.

Example: "UDP:localhost:10001" — the UDP-socket is only available on the "localhost" interface and opened on the port 10001.



  • if — name of the CAN interface;
  • mask, id — mask and identifier of filtering the CAN frames.

Example: "RAWCAN:can0:0:0" — is receiving all CAN frames at the interface "can0".



  • name — file name of the UNIX socket;
  • mode — the same as in the TCP.

Example: "UNIX:/tmp/oscada:1" — UNIX-socket is available through the file "/tmp/oscada" and it doesn't close the connection.