From OpenSCADAWiki
Operators of the language
The total list of the operators of the language:
- var — operator of initialization of a variable; specifying a variable without assigning a value sets it to null-EVAL, which allows for one-time initialization of complex data types, such as an object, through the direct comparing and checking by isEVal();
- if — operator "IF" of the condition;
- else — operator "ELSE" of the condition;
- while — definition of the "WHILE" loop;
- for — definition of the "FOR" loop;
- in — separator of the "FOR" cycle for object's properties scan;
- break — interruption of the cycle;
- continue — continue the cycle from the beginning;
- function — definition of the internal function;
- using — allows you to set the visibility space of the external functions of the often used libraries (using Special.FLibSYS;) for the next access only by the name of the function, has no effect for object access;
- return — interrupt function and return the result that is copied to an attribute marked as return one (return 123;); in the middle of the internal function it is completed with a definite result;
- new — creating an object, implemented for: the generic object "Object", massif "Array" and regular expressions "RegExp".
- delete — delete/free of an object or its properties, while: internal variables are set in null-EVAL, external ones are replaced by an empty object, and the properties of the object are cleared.