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Configuring and using

1. Create and start a logical controller object or use any present one with need scheduling properties.
2. Create a logical parameter object and select this template for it, one for each the devices — enable the parameter.
3. Into the tab "Template configuration" of the logical parameter object you need to set:
  • Transport — to the address of the automatically created transport with its parameters after ":", according to the function SYS.Transport.outAt() address format.
  • Modem — here you can set the modem configuration in the format "{TelN}[:{Init1}[:{Init2}[...{InitN}]]]" if your device accessed through a modem.
  • Modem times — here you can change the default modem timeouts in the form "{tm}:{ConTm}" if your device accessed through a modem.
  • Device address [0...65535] — set here the device address — Serial Number converted from hex to decimal.
  • Pipe number [0...1] — change here the default pipe of the device.
  • Scheduling at CRON — set here the logical execution at the CRON.
  • Time limit of processing the archiving — change here the default safety timeout.
  • OpenSCADA archiver for device archive of days — set here the archive used for storing the daily (86400 seconds) values — enables the day archive reading.
  • OpenSCADA archiver for device's archive of hours — set here the archive used for storing the hourly (3600 seconds) values — enables the hour archive reading.
4. RESULT: The logical parameter object will perform interaction and placing of gathered data to the parameter attributes.